*+ Accepted +*

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"Are you just gonna sit there or?" Addy asks Benji as she swims over to the edge of the pool where he was sitting. Benji shrugged as he kicked his feet in the water. "I'm fine." He smiles. Addy stares at him before splashing him with water. "What the hell!" Benji says looking down at his shirt that was soaked in water. Addy laughs as she quickly swims away. "Are you coming in or not, it was your idea to go swimming." She tells him. Benji sighs, it was true though. And Benji was starting to get hot by sitting in the sun. He smiles as he gets up and pulls off his shirt. He takes a few steps back being running and jumping into the pool, causing a huge splash. Addy shields herself form the huge wave of water. Benij came up from under the water with a grin on his face.

"Happy now?" He asks as he splashes Addy once again. Addy giggles as she does the same back to him. "Yes I am, and thanks for getting water in my eyes." She says sarcastically. They both continue to send waves of water to each other, making each other laugh. Benji picks Addy up and dunks her under water. She quickly pops her head up from under the water. "That was not fair!" She says moving her wet hair out of her face. Benji giggles as he swims away. Addy swims after him tiredly. "Do you give up?" Benji smiles. Addy laughs as she splashes him. "Yeah, I think so." She says as she swims near the edge of the pool. She pulls herself out and walks over to the patio.

Benji does the same and dries himself off. Addy sits down at one of the patio tables and takes a sip of lemonade that sat on it. Benji sits down right across from her. "I wish you could stay longer." Addy sighs as she sets the lemonade back down on the table. He nods his head in agreement. "I wish I could too, after that fight I don't think I ever wanna see my parents again." Benji frowns. About two days ago Benji and his parents got into another fight about him going to college. He couldn't handle spending another night there. So he's been staying with Addy for the past three days. Benji wished he could just stay there forever but eventually he was gonna get his acceptance letter any day. And he had to be home so he could get it.

"You shouldn't listen to your parents, they don't understand how talented you are." Addy smiles. Just hearing that from Addy made Benji feel so much better, but of course, it didn't take away form the fact that he had to leave sooner or later. "I'm really gonna miss having you around." Benji sighed. Addy rolled her eyes. "It's to early to be crying Benji." She says jokingly. Benji smiled. "I'm serious," Benji pauses. "What will you do when I'm gone?" He asks. Addy pauses as she drinks the rest of her lemonade. She stared off at the pool, the sun made the water shine brightly. "I don't know, I feel like I'm gonna be so bored without you." She says. "You'll figure something out, I know you will." Benjis says. Addy shrugs. "Will I though?" She looks down with a sad expression.

Before Benji could answer Addys mom came outside. "Are you guys done swimming? I made you lunch if you want." She says looking at both of them. Addy looks at Benji then back at her mom. "Yeah, We'll be in in a sec." Addy says. Her mom smiles and walks back inside. "Are you hungry?" Addy asks as she got up to walk to the door. Benji gets up happily. "When am I not hungry." He smiles. Addy giggles. "Alright then." She walks inside as Benji follows after her.

• • •

Addy shakes up the pink nail polish bottle as she chews her pizza. It's been a couple of hours now and the sun would be setting soon. She opens the top of the bottle and removes some of the extra nail polish. She leans over and carefully paints Benjis toenails. "What do you think?" Addy asks. Benji smiles as he watches her. "I don't think nail polish is for me." He laughs. Addy laughs as well. Benji takes the last piece of pizza out of the box. "And, I'm pretty sure nail polish is supposed to go on the nail." Benji says. Addy looks up at him. "Hey, it's not my fault I'm not good at painting nails." She carefully wipes off the nail polish that got on his skin. "Maybe once you come back from college we can get our nails painted together." Addy smiles brightly.

Benji giggles, he really likes the sound of that. "That would be awesome." He grins. Addy continues smiling as she finishes painting. She then goes on to the nails on his other foot. As Benji watched Addy he started to remember when they were in high school. When they got to see each other every day, when they never had to worry about anything. But now, Benji is heading off to college and Addy, well, Benji still didn't know what Addy is going to do once he leaves. Will she really wait four years for him to come back? He pulls himself out of his thoughts and realizes that Addy was done. "What do you think?" She smiles as she adds the last top coat on his nail. Benji giggles.

"Well, aside from the nail polish on my skin I think it looks good." He says trying to get the nail polish off. Addy rolls her eyes. "Just ignore that." She smiles. Addy takes out her phone and notices what time it was. Her smile dropped. Benji looked up realizing why she was sad. "Hey," Benji forces a smile. "This won't be the last time we see each other." He reminds her. Addy groans. "I know," She whines. "I just, don't want you to leave." She says. Benji could tell how upset she was. "I don't wanna leave you either, but I promise I'll visit." Benji says. "Promise?" She asks. Benji pulls her in for a hug. "I promise."

• • •

Benji barely got any sleep that night he went home. Him and Addy face timed all night, he probably didn't even fall asleep until the sun started to come up. Benjis face was buried in his pillow, he wanted to get up but at the same time he just wanted to sleep all day and forgot about everything. But Rowyn kept knocking on his door. "Benji!" He yelled from the other side. He continued knocking. Benji couldn't take it anymore and stormed out of his bed. He stomped over to his door and swung it open. "What!" He said tiredly. Benjis expression immediately changed when he saw the envelope in Rowyns hand. "No way." Benji gasp. His brother rolled his eyes.

"I'm pretty sure this is for you." He says handing Benji the envelope. Benji took it carefully. Benji went back to sit on his bed. His palms sweat as he held the letter. This is what he's been waiting for all these months for. Rowyn sat down next to him curious to see what was in the envelope. "Are you just gonna stare at it all damn day?" He asks. Benji glares at him. "Shut up." He rolls his eyes. Rowyn giggles. Benji opens the top of the envelope and takes out the slip of paper that was in it. He read each word carefully. Rowyn stared at him waiting for Benji to finish reading it. It seemed as if Benji couldn't even believe what was on the letter. "What does it say? Did you get accepted?" Rowyn asks. Benji finally looked up form the piece of paper that was in front of him.

"Dude," Benji paused. "I got accepted." He says as a grin grew on his face. Rowyn smiles amd pats Benji on the back. "Cool, that means I can have your room." He says. Benji punches his shoulder. He still couldn't even believe it. He was going to his dream college. He jumped up from his bed and picked up his phone. "Yeah?" Addy picked up. "You won't believe what I got today." Benji said happily. Addy squealed into the phone. "You got accepted!" She said happily. Benji giggled and nod his head. "Yeah!" He exclaims. Benji could tell how happy and proud Addy was, as she cheered into the phone. Benji felt so happy, yet a small part of him still couldn't get over the fact that he had to leave Addy. But as always he knew everything would be okay, and he would visit her at any chance he was given.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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