Chapter 2

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Beth's POV••

And he said...

"Don't be embarrassed.. Cuz honestly that was adorable," i was literally. About. To. Die. "Do you wanna go penny boarding down to the park?" He asked. I said yes of course. We took our penny boards and rode a few blocks to the park. When we got to the park we went on the swings just like we used to. While we swung on the swings he reached for my hand and we interlocked fingers and a thousand butterflies were in my stomach.

After a while we went and laid on the grass still interlocking our fingers. Then he pulled out a Magcon ticket and handed them to me "oh my gosh hayes! Thank you so much!!!" "Oh crap," he said worried. "What?" "Magcon starts at 5 and its 1. It takes 1 hour to drive there and a 3 hour plane ride then we have to check into the hotel and get set up for Magcon," "Oh my gosh! Well We better get going," i said.

We went back to the house and he went in his room to change. When he got out he told me it was my turn to change so i went into his room and locked his door. I changed into a floral crop top and black high-waisted shorts. I unlocked the door and told Hayes he could come in. I straightened my hair and did my makeup. A little mascara, a little blush, and light pink lipgloss. We had nash drive and the whole way there we listened to blaring music but my favorite song that we played was 'All About That Bass' by Meghan Trainor.

Yeah its pretty clear I ain't no size two, but i can shake it shake it like I'm supposed to do cuz I got that boom boom that all da boys chase, and all the right junk in all the right places••••••••••••••••••

When we got to the airport hayes took my hand and led me to the private jet!! All the boys met us there and they all yelled "GET IT!!" We just rolled our eyes. When we got onto the jet he was still holding my hand when we sat down and there were a million butterflies in my stomach.

2 hours later

I get really tired on plane rides and I guess he could tell and he told me to lay my head on his shoulder!!! I did and i fell asleep instantly. I woke up to kiss on my forehead. Okay now this time, there's a billion butterflies in my stomach!!! "Oh. Um... sorry I didn't mean to wake you up..." He said turning red. I thought that was so cute!!!! "Its okay," you say slightly smiling. "Oh we're here" he said changing the subject. I was a little sad but i could tell he was still embarrassed. He's so cute.

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