Chapter One

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He never liked you.

You never liked him.

All that stupid talk about "Bassy". "Bassy" this, "Bassy" that.

You despised this.

His long, red hair flowed and knotted at his butt as he flaunted around between each cubicle, bragging and raving about having seen the "perfect specimen" today while at work.

Yeah, work my ass, You thought to yourself. The only reason that fucker wasn't fired yet was because he was in, ahem, kahoots with the boss.

He slowly made his way over to your cubicle, broadcasting his disgusting obsession with a demon. You glared at him the entire time, whilst he pretended not to notice your emerald gaze.

When he finally- finally made it to you, you already felt sick to your stomach from all the crap spewing out of his mouth. The second you saw his gaze meet yours, you snapped your head back to the computer and keyboard, acting as if you didn't have a care in the world except to escape his word vomit. 

You know that feeling when someone's glaring daggers at you behind your back? Yeah, that's what you felt. Until, suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder and a pair of glasses out the corner of your eye. You fumed.

"You know, you're a lot like him. Sebas-chan!"

 Grell said sweetly, obviously trying to get a good reaction out of you. You trembled under his touch, which felt like little shots of electricity were going through your shoulder. Which made you more upset. 

"Look, I don't know what you're trying to imply, but you're really getting in the way of my work, so I suggest you get your hands off of me before I give HR a call for sexual harassment."

 You spat out bitter- sweetly.

(HR means Human Representatives. Basically the people who make sure that there's no foul play in the work area.)

"Oh, well if you're going to call HR on me for sexual harassment, then I might as well do something sexual."

Grell said smoothly, his eyes glimmering with an emotion you couldn't quite read.

Suddenly, the prickly sensation you got from his hand spread all over, and you opened your mouth for a retort, but nothing came out. You felt your face getting hot.

With anger or embarrassment, you couldn't tell. But you knew this man was going to be the death of you.

Drenched in Burgundy (Grell x Reader LEMON!)Where stories live. Discover now