The Dancers

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As soon as Son Sungdeuk entered the lively dance studio, everyone grew quiet. It was not normal for him to gather them on a Sunday afternoon unless they had a performance coming up soon, so his dancers looked at him expectantly as he stood in front of them.

"I appreciate you all coming at such a short notice. It's not common for me to call you in during a Sunday but, I have important news to share," he explained as he clasped his hands in front of him and smiled.  Even though they were meant to be quiet, a steady murmur could be heard amongst the girls. "Do you all remember when I told you there was an important event coming up in July?" he asked.

"You had mentioned there was an international award show that was going to take place," Nara, the lead and most experienced dancer, replied.

Sungdeuk smiled as he began to pace across the studio. "Precisely." The girls looked at each other and gasped. "I've known about this since last year and that's why I've chosen my best dancers for this team. During this past year, I have been training you and have been preparing you for this moment. I am blessed to have the opportunity to train hundreds of dancers but you are my best girls." Everyone began to clap as he continued smiling.

"Now," he resumed, "you are going to dance with the biggest group at the moment and, I'm not just saying this because I have been choreographing for them for almost 7 years, I'm saying it because the whole world is saying it as well." No one was breathing. He admitted to himself that he loved the suspense he was creating.

"My kkochsong-i, you are all going to be the first group of women to dance with BTS!"

There was silence in the room. Even though there was an inmense amount of trust between the choreographer and his dancers, he knew they were trying to be courteous and avoid any rudeness. They were really disciplined so they all stood up and bowed in gratitude.

Sungdeuk rolled his eyes, smile never leaving his lips, while crossing his arms across his chest. "Ladies, I have trained you well but, never forget you are like my daughters and I know how you really want to react. Now, let me hear how you really feel!"

They all exploded in laughter, yells, and giggles, jumping and hugging each other excitedly. Their teacher laughed along as well, also excited about the collaboration. He knew it would cause sensation around the globe.

"Alright now, listen up so I can explain how this is going to work." They all sat back down, crossing their legs, directing their full attention to him. "You will each have a partner." A collective gasp was hear throughout the studio. He grinned as he continued the explanation.

"For this choreography, you will be paired with one of the members. That's why there are only seven of you. If you would have been backup dancers, the group would've been larger. I'm assuming you must've noticed this. So, during this next month, you will be practicing almost everyday with the guys. You will learn the choreography with them as well and, though I wanted to honestly teach it to you in advance, I want there to be certain chemistry amongst you and them as you learn it together. This song is new and they will use the international award show as their comeback stage. They will perform a set of three new songs, this one being the last. That's when you will get on stage and blow everyone's mind away." He chuckled internally as he looked at the expectant faces of this team.

"You will be paired according to your experience. Again, I really did mean it when I said you were my best dancers. All of you dance amazingly so I can't categorize you by your skills. I chose to do it based on experience. Now, it was different with the guys because, except from Hoseok and Jimin, everyone else has been dancing for pretty much the same amount of time. Jungkook has also had better training as well. Still, their ability is different so I had to make sure you are paired accordingly. I'm not saying they can't dance because, you have all seen them on-stage; they are incredible dancers. I wanted each member of each pair to compliment one another. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

The group murmured in agreement. Sungdeuk saw only one face that looked slightly troubled but, he had been expecting it. He once again stood in front of them.

"The lineup is as follows:
Nara with J-Hope,
Yoori with Jimin,
Moon with Jungkook,
Jina with V,
Chinsun with Suga,
Min-na with RM, and
Hae with Jin.
I trust that you will help the guys feel comfortable because remember, this is their first time dancing with women and, it might sound insignificant but, I want you to help them ease into the choreo. Do you have any objections or suggestions related to this?"

As he expected, Nara raised her hand. He nodded, signaling her to speak. "I thought that, since I was the leader, I was going to be paired to the leader of BTS," she said looking a bit annoyed at the fact she wasn't.

"I explained earlier that you were going to be paired based on experience. J-Hope is BTS' most experienced dancer and is also the lead dancer and choreographer so I thought it proper for you, being our best and lead dancer, to be his partner," he replied as she watched her face change from a slight scowl to an embarrassed one.

He knew that she had a thing for Namjoon but now was not the time to be fangirling over him. Sungdeuk had a particular set of steps in mind for Hoseok and Nara because of their amazing skills and he knew they would pull it off. Namjoon, on the other hand, had really come up along the way but this was more complicated than anything they had done before so he knew that he had made the right choice. He continued watching Nara as she sat down and glanced quickly in Min-na's direction.

"Does anyone else have anything else to add or ask?"

Another hand slowly shot up from the group.

"Yes, Min-na?"

The curly haired girl stood up. "When do we begin?"

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