The Change Up

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"Your comeback will officially take place during the international award show next month!" Bang PDnim told the guys excitedly. Even though they had heard the news from Jungkook, they felt even more thrilled, hearing it from their manager. They celebrated, hugging each other and yelling happily while the dancers clapped.

"Aaaanndddd..." Sungdeuk began loudly, trying to speak over the now silent cheers, "this comeback stage will simply be epic." This had caught everyone's attention, seeing that they quickly became quiet.

"We need to keep showing the world how awesome you all are. They have seen it but since we have been in a hiatus, we need to refresh their memories. This time off can have a positive or negative outcome, all depending on the steps taken after it by managers, producers, and artists. Your fans will always be here, waiting for you to comeback because they are loyal, even if it's not something grand you do," Bang PDnim said. "They will cheer the loudest and help remind you how special and meaningful you are to the world. Still, we want this comeback to shut the mouths of some that have been silently talking crap about you."

Everyone looked at him intently. His lips were pressed in a fine line and he had his hands clasped behind his back. The guys gulped even though they knew who he was referring to. His eyes registered all of their faces and when he caught Namjoon’s eyes, the leader of the group held his gaze and nodded in encouragement. They had been in a situation worse than this before and had been able to overcome it. The group didn't allow it to dampen their spirits and used it to fuel their already existing desire to succeed. They had done it, winning numerous awards in many aspects and winning the hearts of international fans as well. Now they needed to keep that fire going.

After nodding at Namjoon, Bang PDnim continued, "This is why we are taking a bit of a different approach to this stage."

"As you all know, we only use male backup dancers in our shows so we decided to take a different approach on this stage using female dancers," Sungdeuk began to explain. Namjoon felt someone shift behind him and, after looking discreetly, he found Jungkook at his side, trying to contain his emotions but his wide open eyes were giving him out. He chuckled softly, understanding how the maknae felt because he kinda felt like that as well.

"The main song for the comeback will be Home, right?" Sungdeuk asked the group. They nodded in response. "Well, since it has a bit of a Latin feel, we are gonna salsa a bit and cha-cha to it. That is definitely going to make everyone go crazy," he concluded, looking at everyone proudly but guarded, waiting to see and hear their reactions. Of course, the first one to agree to this was Hobi.

"Ayy salsa!" he exclaimed while lighting the room with a smile and dancing a couple of salsa steps. Everyone laughed and eventually, Taehyung joined him dancing as Jin applauded some made up rhythm. The dancers were feeling excited as well, wondering how the guys would feel about the choreography. Namjoon had looked over to them while smiling and had seen their reactions. They were eyeing the group warily and sighing contently as they saw them laugh. He felt a hand grab his forearm and knew it belong to Jungkook. He didn't realize he would be this nervous  but reached out and patted his hand reassuringly.

Sungdeuk seemed really pleased. "The choreography has been made already and we are going to be learning it at the same time. Both groups are going to practice as one. It will be intense here but it will be more intense on stage. This will definitely blow everyone's mind away. Still, as always, if any have a suggestion regarding any part of the choreo, talk. It's better for you to feel comfortable with the dance and enjoy it on stage."

These words actually made Namjoon think. They have always had input on the choreography. Well, he has barely commented regarding the steps but the other guys had. What encouraged him to analyze the situation even more was the fact that Sungdeuk said that it was going to be intense and that they needed to feel comfortable and enjoy it. They always enjoyed dancing but, this confused him a little. Then, he began thinking about salsa and how it's danced.

He gulped.

This was a hands-on situation. He had to but his hand in his partners waist. Suddenly he felt like Jungkook: eyes wide and his mind working a million thoughts a second. Namjoon hadn't touched a girl, other than his Eomma or MUAs, in over 4 years and they didn't count. He had a girlfriend once but that felt like ages ago. This might seem like something insignificant but honestly, it wasn't. Sneaking a glance at the other guys, he saw they were pretty much in the same position.

Yoongi seemed to act nonchalantly, not giving a care about what Sungdeuk had said, but Namjoon knew his best friend was over thinking. He kept fidgeting even though he kept a straight face and Namjoon worried about the dance causing him too much stress. He didn't want him to have one of those anxiety attacks he hadn't had in a long time.

Jimin, who was usually the sexy one on stage of the group, had an anxious look in his face. His body language told everyone that he was ready to dance but his face told everyone otherwise. He had shared the stage with women dancers before but salsa was something he had never danced like he had a feeling Sungdeuk wanted them to.

Taehyung and Hobi had stopped dancing but were still laughing. Namjoon knew that this was a challenge for Hobi as a way to expand his dancing experiences. He could tell that his other best friend was excited while at the same time a bit wary. He loved dancing and if he was going to experience something new, he'd definitely make the best of it. He was younger but had had more experiences with women than the leader but being the perfectionist he was, he was worried.

Taehyung was simply... Taehyung. Adored by all because of his different, but caring, ways, Namjoon knew he would be shy at first. His previous experiences with women had taken place when he was really young and they were pretty much one sided. He got asked out but he didn't have any particular interest in a relationship. Still, when Taehyung wanted to, he could make anyone swoon, sometimes even doing so unconsciously. This might be fun to watch.

And there was Jin. He had stopped clapping and was now giving the dancers a look over. Namjoon had to smile at his hyung, knowing that this man exuded confidence. It oozed from his pores and face. He was using his 'worldwide handsome gaze' on them and, even though he guys considered him the caregiver of the group, he was also a big flirt. Very outspoken and if he liked (or didn't like) something, he'd be very vocal about it.

"Yah, and when are we going to begin practicing?" his hyung asked the choreographer while he moved his shoulders up and down and accompanied the movement by swinging his arms. Laughter followed as Sungdeuk smiled at Jin after analyzing his face. He knew this was going to be fun.

"Great question! Tomorrow we will. Right now, we begin by introducing ourselves and trying to become comfortable with our dance partners. I have assigned them based on dancing experiences, not in dancing skill. Please keep that in mind as I mention your name," he explained.

Namjoon knew he'd be at the bottom of that list but that didn't bother him. He smiled to himself before turning around to look at Jungkook.

The youngest one had sort of relaxed a bit, eyes back to their normal size though he was still gripping unto Namjoon tightly. Jungkook was an amazing dancer. He learned the steps almost as fast as Hobi and executived them just as well but with his own style. He was really well liked among fans but he was very timid when it came to women. He constantly shyed away from them, no matter how many times the guys had managed to set him up next to one. He was outspoken and hilarious with his brothers, but the total opposite with females.

"You good, Kook-ah?" Namjoon asked his dongsaeng softly.

"Um, I think," Jungkook replied as he placed his chin on Namjoon’s shoulder. He had finally let go of his arm but was closer to the rapper, seeking some kind of refuge for his nervousness.

"You'll be good. You're not the Golden Maknae for no reason," Namjoon gently tried to reassure his younger friend.

"Yeah, I guess," he replied silently. Namjoon leaned his head against Jungkook's as Sungdeuk continued on.

"So, once I mention your names, raise your hands to pair you off."

"You make it seem as if they were in school," Bang PDnim replied with a laugh. Everyone agreed, laughing along nervously.

"Wow, you are right! I didn't even realize that," the choreographer said, actually surprised at the comparison. "Well, my dancers know who BTS is but BTS doesn't know my dancers, yet." He winked. The girls blushed. "And now, this will be the line up..."

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