The News

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It was an uneventful day. They had all recorded and practiced until very late Saturday evening so they were enjoying an unusually lazy Sunday afternoon. They loitered around the living room, waiting for Jungkook to arrive after having gone downstairs to ask the manager for permission to go to the movies. They had all changed in advance, wanting to head out as soon as the maknae arrived, feeling confident that Bang PDnim would allow them to leave.

"HYUNGS!!!" Jungkook yelled as he slammed the door open.

Hobi and Jin screamed, flying out of the sofa and landing on the floor, clutching their chests as if in the middle of a heart attack. Everyone else looked at Jungkook wide eyed, waiting for him to talk. Well, everyone but...

"Yahhh!!! You think you can scare the crap out of someone who is trying get some shut eye before the movie!?!" Yoongi exclaimed as he stomped his way towards Jungkook, fist raised and ready to punch. The youngest one easily avoided the first hit but didn't move fast enough to avoid the second one. Or the third.

"Yoongi hyung, aishhh!!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!!!" he pleaded, placing his hands in front of himself, trying to shield the rapper's attacks.

"Ayo, stop you guys! What were you yelling about, Gguk-ah?" Namjoon asked as he stepped in front of Yoongi while protecting his dongsaeng.

Jungkook was rubbing his sore forearm. "I'm sorry for yelling but, we can't go to the movies." Jimin and Taehyung whined as they gathered closer to him.

"I know this is bad but, DID YOU REALLY NEED TO YELL LIKE THAT?!?" Jin exclaimed as he got up from the floor and sat back down on the sofa, staring menacingly at him.

"Well, maybe I didn't," Jungkook admitted sheepishly while looking at the floor. "But, I have some news."

"Go on, and it better be worth it if you want to be able to sleep peacefully tonight," Hobi threatened through clenched teeth, eyeing his fellow band member darkly.

The maknae couldn't help but shiver, instantly regretting having opened the door like he did but, at the same time, confident that the news he bore would make up for his scaring the crap out of his hyungs.

"Um, we have to go to the dance studio in a couple of minutes for a meeting. Do you remember the international award show we wanted to choose as our comeback stage?" Everyone nodded. "It has been officially confirmed that we will perform there."

The guys cheered loudly. They had been nervous about selecting the ideal comeback stage, wanting it to be epic and wanting to impact the media and fans worldwide in a more direct manner. It was a huge stage, with people from all around the world watching and with artists from different countries and genres performing. This was one of the most important moments in their lives and they were ready for it.

"Guys, we are going to dance in front of a huge audience..." Jungkook began.

"We know this, Kookie. We are prepared for it!" Jimin interrupted happily.

"No, no, no. We are going to dance with a partner," Jungkook added, looking at his hyungs excitedly.

"Uh, what do you mean 'with a partner', Kook?" Suga asked, scratching his head, not really grasping what he meant.

"It might seem stupid for us to react to this but, we are dancing with girls for the first time," he answered, looking at them wide-eyed. All of them stared at him, not really comprehending his words.

Namjoon sighed. "Gguk, please explain what 'we are dancing with girls' actually means. If we would be having female partners, I think Bang PD would have told me," he continued, confused.

Jungkook looked at everyone. "I might've accidentally heard him talking to Sungdeuk about it," he confessed, playing with his fingers nervously.

"You were eavesdropping?!" Taehyung exclaimed, hitting his arm.

"Ow! I wasn't! It was accidental! The office door was open when they were talking. You guys sent me there to ask about the movies so when I got there, I heard part of their conversation. They asked me to tell you guys to meet in the studio to discuss something important."

"When are we supposed to be there?" Hobi asked.

Jungkook took out his phone to check the time. "Two minutes ago."

They looked at each other for a second before running out of their dorm. Arriving at the studio about a minute later, they started pushing each other towards the door, not wanting to be the first to open it and arguing in whispers.

"You go."
"No, you open it."
"No! We're late because of you!"
"What?! It's not my fault!"
"Open the door, punks!"
"Why don't you man up and open it?"
"What does being a man have to do with opening the door?"
"Move. I'll get it. Pabos."

Namjoon opened the door, almost falling inside in the process because Jungkook pushed him due to the fact that Taehyung pushed him, who was pushed by Jimin, and who had been pushed by Hobi. The leader straightened up but not before giving his fellow band mates an evil glare. Jungkook recoiled at his look and followed him inside as did everyone else.

"I apologize for being late," Namjoon said while bowing, excusing themselves. Everyone followed suit. "We were distracted due to a certain maknae." He heard said person gulping behind him.

"No worries," Bang PD replied, waving them over to his side. "Just try not to make a habit out of it," he said with a smile.

They nodded and returned the smile as they reached his side, not being aware of there being anyone else in the room. When they finally looked around, they realized they weren't alone. Seven dancers stood alongside Sungdeuk. Seven stunning dancers at that. As soon as they came to their senses, they began bowing and apologizing to them as well, feeling flustered and surprised after learning that Jungkook had been right. The girls giggled softly and bowed back, silently accepting the apology.

Sungdeuk clapped his hands and smiled. "Now that we are all here, we have something important to tell you."

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