The Meeting

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"And now, this will be the line up..."

Both groups were nervous and anxious but at the same time, they were determined to not let it show.

Namjoon watched closely at the reactions of each one of his brothers as they went up to their dance partners.

"Nara with J-Hope..." Sungdeuk began.

Hobi had been excited to be called up first even though they all knew it was going to happen. He didn't bother to hide his pride, not one to actually flaunt it, and eagerly talked with whom Namjoon guessed was the leader of the dancers, Nara.

"Yoori with Jimin..."

Jimin confidently walked up to his partner which made Namjoon secretly roll his eyes and smirk. He knew his dongsaeng was putting up a front and that he was just as nervous as all. After his 'intimidating' strut over to Yoori, Jimin quickly bowed and smiled shyly.

"Moon with Jungkook..."

Namjoon felt Jungkook jump up, startled, when he heard his name being called.

"Kook-ah, you have nothing to worry about," Namjoon whispered as he gently nudged his friend forward with his elbow. Jungkook softly sighed as he lifted his head from Namjoon's shoulder, making his way to Moon. She seemed equally as nervous as the maknae but they quickly began to talk.

"Jina with V..."

When Taehyung was called, he quickly shone his boxy smile which caused an immediate reaction from Jina, her face flushing bright red almost instantly. It was hard to resist that smile and, soon after, Namjoon found himself smiling as well.

"Chinsun with Suga..."

He looked over at Yoongi, who was already beginning to walk over to Chinsun. He knew his Hyung would be anxious because he was even harder in himself lately than he ever admitted to being, especially because of their upcoming comeback. He noticed Yoongi had one hand in his pocket, surely closed in a fist, and quickly searched for any other tell-tale signs of nervousness. Pleasantly, he found none. Yoongi smiled his famous gummy smile and that was all it took to get the conversation going.

"Hae with Jin..."

"OK now, who's Hae? Come on, chop chop, we need to talk," Jin suddenly asked as he walked up to the last two dancers with a hand in his hip. Namjoon couldn't help but smile at his crazy and amazing hyung's antics. Jin would never cease to surprise him. The tallest of both dancers raised her hand.

"Now, why are you doing that? You don't need to raise your hand," Jin scoffed, making Hae's ears turn red. "Sungdeuk thinks we're in school but, don't mind him. He's getting older by the minute," Jin concluded, talking a swooning Hae by the hand.

"I heard that, Jin, and for your information, we are all getting older by the minute," the choreographer replied with a raised eyebrow and an amused tone.

"Well, I'm glad to know he hasn't gone deaf yet," Jin whispered loudly to Hae, causing everyone to laugh as he guided her into another area of the practice room.

"I'm not even that much older than him," Sungdeuk murmured as he shook his head.

"And finally, Min-na with RM," he concluded.

Namjoon looked at the last dancer, smiling, and suddenly felt out of breath.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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