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After most successful missions Alpha team would get together at our favorite local bar and celebrate with shots. Whoever passed out first paid for everyone's shots. Tonight was my first time going out with Alpha team, I was recently moved from Delta to Alpha. "C'mon Nova! Drink with us!" The guys kept encouraging me, all except for Piers. Normally he was always friendly, but tonight he had barely said a word to me. I wasnt sure what i had done to upset him, but i knew i wanted to make it right. "If she doesnt want to drink then dont make her drink," Piers suddenly spoke up. "I'll take a shot if you do Piers?" I asked quietly. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, "yea, sure Nova." The bartender brought us each a shot and we took it. After a couple more rounds I noticed Piers staring at the gash on my arm, a J'avo had gotten me, but it wasn't anything super serious. I looked down at the bandage to see blood had seeped through. "Oh shit." I mumbled. Chris immediately was at my side, "Nova you'd better change that bandage, do you need any help?" I smiled at my captain and shook my head, "Thanks Chris but I can manage on my own. I just need another shot before I go." Before I could call to the bartender Piers was handing me a shot, "Here Nova." "Thanks Piers.." I dont know why we're back to using my last name. I downed the shot and stood up. "Uh hey.. Nova? Would you mind if I helped you change that?" Piers asked and pointed to my arm. "I can do it myself.. but you're welcome to help." I could ask him what I'd done to upset him. I made my way to the bathroom and sat down on a sink. Piers came in behind me gauze in hand. I sat quietly as he unwrapped my bandage and began to rewrap it. "Piers if I did something to upset you in any way, I really didn't mean to." His beautiful hazel eyes looked up at me, he looked surprised. "I'm not upset with you, what made you think that?" He asked. I could feel a blush creeping up my cheeks. "Its just that you havent said much to me, and you started calling me by my last name again. I thought we were kind of, well, friends." Piers finished wrapping my arm in the gauze but his fingers lingered over my arm. Piers eyes wouldn't meet mine, it was quiet for awhile. "Piers..?" When his eyes met mine he looked pissed "I'm so sorry Danielle, it's all my fault you got hurt. I can't stand to see you hurt. I hate it." "Piers it's not your fault! I knew what I was doing. I've been a part of the BSAA awhile now, getting hurt comes with the job." Piers sighed and suddenly he was holding your hand. "I really care about you Danielle.. I dont know what I'd do with myself if you got seriously hurt." I squeezed Piers hand in mine and smiled. "I care about you too Piers, but I promise I'll be okay. Come on, let's go take more shots. Bet I can out drink you." A small smile crept up on Piers face, he kisses me lightly on the lips, "bet you can't."

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