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It's been a whole month since I've seen or heard from my boyfriend, Ace of the BSAA, Piers Nivans. He and Captain Redfield, along with the rest of Alpha team had been sent on a mission to Africa. Normally Piers tried to stay in contact with me, but not all missions had that luxury. While Alpha team was away my own team, Delta, had been assigned watch duty. I spent most my free time at the range, with as much time as Piers spent at the range it was like I could still smell him. Maybe that was just his scarf though, I pulled his green scarf up over my nose and inhaled deeply. The smell of him always made me feel at home, "I hope you come back home soon Piers," I thought to myself. While I was lost in thought a pair of strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me back tight against a muscular chest I knew well. A small gasp escaped my lips, but I let the figure hold me. Piers lips were next to my ear now and I felt his warm breath tickle my ear, "Did you miss me love?" He placed several butterfly kisses along my neck. "So much Piers." I twisted around in his arms to face him. His hazel eyes, part of the reason I fell in love with him, were full of mischief. He grinned at me and caught me in a passionate kiss. One of his hands trailed slowly down my torso and began to sneak it's way into my pants. I gasped and tried to pull away, but Piers held me tightly against him. "Piers! We can't do that here.." I scolded him, but I could feel the heat he caused. "It's late Danielle, no one else is here. I NEED you, right now." His hand was now fully down my pants and his fingers started working their magic. "P-piers, can't we wait until we get home?" He bit my ear lobe and growled, "No. I've been waiting too long." With one hand he began to unbutton my shirt and with the other he shoved two fingers up inside me. "Oh Piers.." He made a come here motion, rubbing my g-spot. My moans made him work faster. My shirt was unbuttoned and he was quickly moving to the clasps on my bra. "You have no idea.. how badly I need you," he panted. "Get a room you two! No making out on the range." Chris Redfields voice called across the range. Piers slowly removed his hand from your pants, "Sorry Captain! She just couldn't wait." You have your face buried into his chest but you can hear the smirk in his voice. Piers helped me button up my shirt without Chris noticing. "See, you almost got is in trouble!" I punch Piers shoulder as we walk out to my car together. "I may still get us in trouble." He swung open the car door and nearly tackled me into the car. After quickly closing the door he went to work on reopening my shirt. "This time though, I'm not stopping."

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