The Introduction

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Toriel is using a fire magic to heat up the oven to heat the pie an tell toriel hire someone in the living room and asriel put
Chara in the single Sofia were her mother always sit here to read book and there is a fire place it's lit by magic fire and toriel come out from the kitchen toriel saw asriel
He look stress and tired and sweat toriel look at asriel she looks so a little worry.

Toriel:"asriel what happen to you"toriel speck so worried.

Asriel: "mom I found a human I carry her here and she fell down from above." Asriel speck so stressful and his body is so sweaty.

Then toriel come forward to see the human
That asriel said then toriel look so silence to check the human and she have wounds on her knees and her hands as toriel used her healing magic to heal up the wounds meanwhile toriel finished healing she is so
Sleepy and toriel Carry the human puting
Her on asriel room to sleep on his bed.

Toriel:"asriel can this human sleep for a while on your bed."toriel speck so calm.

Asriel:"yes mom it's OK for her to sleep here
(She is so cute while she is sleeping and look at her chick it is so pink light color so adorable.)mom is she going to be OK." Asriel said and chick is a little red.

Toriel:"yes asriel now that she is fine I want you to go and get some bath." Toriel speck so calm and smile at asriel.

Asriel:"oh right I will go take a bath(do I have a crush on chara what is this feeling
The one that I first met)I will grab a f-few things m-mom."asriel said so stressful and

Asriel grabbed the towel and clean clothes
As he went to the bathroom get himself
Clean an hour later.

Asriel:"(this weird for me I just met some one that I fall in love?human don't love Monster,monster don't love human I can't
Tell what's the difference but when I look at chara eyes is beautiful her eye color is red sparkling and her chick is pink bright
Light but she is a human I think I have crush on her I think I'm in love is that how I feel right now.)"asriel is so worry and sad

Asriel is wet so he shake his body all over
To remove all the wetness and than he used the Towel.

asriel wear his clothes he put on his long brown Pants and sweater green light and two yellow stripes asriel walked out from the bathroom as he go to the living room
Were her mom sit down and dad talking to mom about the fallen human they seem to busy talk to each other as I go to my room not to district or disturbed my parents as I open the door slowly to my room to enter and I grab my paper and color pencil just to draw something I lay down to the carpet clean and warm as chara awake.

Chara:"where I am how long I was here in the bed who are you are Y-you most be asriel r-right (he is so cute and he is a goat monster it look like a Bunny and look at his furry white hair wait a sec the clothes that his wearing is like me.)"chara speck so softly

Asriel:"howdy l-looks like you w-wake up all ready you k-known  m-my name a-and
Y-your name i-is chara riight (she is so beautiful her red eyes her pink light chicks
She even more cute and adorable do I have crash do I love her but we first met oh no
Why I'm I blushing I don't understand.)"
Asriel speck so heavily.

Chara got up from the bed and walk near to asriel so closely chara can see that asriel
Is blushing red light around his face.

Chara:"what are you doing a-are you drawing(oh my golly why is he blushing so
Much cute goat monster furry white hair
It is so cute it is like a Rabbit)."chara speck softly.

Chara looks down in the carpet it is a purple carpet very soft and warm to touch
There is a paper and a color crayons laying on the carpet.

Chara"hmm so what are you drawing"
Chara tell to asriel.

Asriel"(o m g what I Am going to tell... I have an idea.)I am going to draw something about me when I grow up what do draw,come grab anything you can draw."

Asriel lay down in the grab his black crayon and starting to draw chara lay down beside him grab a piece of paper
And a green crayon as she starting to think
What she will draw she got any idea of what she will draw...

Chara is drawing a flower a gold flower
Asriel is draw him self when he grow up
As he look at chara beside him asriel smile
At chara , chara drawing is a beautiful
Flower a gold flower as chara look at asriel
As he smile at chara,chara seem to be blush
At asriel.

Chara:"w-what are you looking at."Chara said so softly.

Asriel suddenly think of something what he want to say he face is confessed looking.

Asriel:"you are good at drawing so is that
A flower orr a gold flower."Asriel speck so
Kindly and smile at chara.

Chara is light pink blush as chara look down at her own drawing then she start to look at Asriel as she smile back at him.

Chara:"Thanks is a-a gold flower it's my favorite kind of flower what did you draw
You known your so cute when you smile."

Asriel blush deep red and cover his eye with his ear chara know that he's kind of cute when he's like this.

Meanwhile .........

Toriel is going to the kitchen to check the pie in the oven as the pie finish and it is ready to eat, as toriel take out of the pie in the oven and she place it in the top of the oven as she notice the pie is very hot.

Toriel was think if the fallen human is okay as she was going to asriel room as she reach true the door ,as she open It slowly and look at what are they doing as their are talking and coloring paper at each another.

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