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Arkyn managed to be alone and listened for the extra heartbeat. He managed to follow it into one of the room, all the way to a coffin. He opened it, and saw a warlock inside.
"Finn?" He asked.
"Arkyn. You have to help me." Ark pulled his brother out and placed him on a chair.
"What the hell?"
"Little brother-"
"Don't do that, Finn. Don't pretend you care. Just tell me what's going on."
"Of course I care."
"Huh, so plotting with mother and my girlfriend? That's just how you show your love?"
"I didn't know you were courting Bonnie until the night of the ball."
"I trusted you. We invited you in to our home. I don't take that likely."
"Undo these chains, let us talk."
"Talk about what Finn? I'm not an idiot. Those chains are what's keeping your powers locked away. The moment I remove them, you'll break out of here, no doubt to go tattle to Esther."
"And what loyalty to you have to Klaus? The man who'd done far worse than I ever did?"
"Klaus did a lot, I won't deny, and I have no loyalty to him. But I do have a loyalty to Alexis. You remember her? I'm not here to interfere in Klaus's plans nor am I here to interfere in yours. I'm here because Alexis wanted to see Kol."
"Help me, and I'll help you in return. Mother doesn't want us dead anymore. Let me make you a deal."
"I don't care what she promises. I could never trust in Esther's deal."
"She's our mother."
"She literally got my girlfriend to agree to kill me."
"She's made mistakes."
"You think?"
"She wants to make everything right again."
"It's a bit too late for that."
"You've always been my favourite sibling. You with your compassion, your faithfulness, your devotion to those you care for."
"You've never had a favourite, Finn. You always hated all of us."
"You always reminded me so much of our elder sister." He continued. Arkyn rolled his eyes.
"Who's been dead for a thousand years, give or take."
"I know it was you who brought Sage to me."
"So you do care. If you'd have hated me, you would never have brought the love of my life into my life again."
"Well, maybe a part of me will always remember you as the brother who was just and fair. But he's gone. None of us are who we once were. We're all different."
"Little brother-"
"If you were truly the Finn I once cared for, you'd have never placed Alexis in danger. You would never have set me up to be betrayed by the woman I loved, and you yourself wouldn't have betrayed us. I never knew our sister, never even met her, but even she, I'm sure, would have been disappointed." Ark stood and walked away.
"Our mother is offering to make us human again." Arkyn scoffed and looked back.
"Esther is manipulating you just as she always manipulated those around her."
"She's not manipulating us. She's trying to help us, and trying to right her wrongs."
"Too little too late, Finn. Esther's only serves to help herself, and the sooner you accept that, the better."
"She loves us, Arkyn, despite what you may believe."
"I don't think Esther's loved anything or anyone a day in her life."
"She sacrificed everything for us, Arkyn, or did our brother not tell you?"
"Well, I didn't spend much time with Kol. We only came ten minutes ago."
"I was talking about Klaus."
"I don't talk to Klaus. In fact, I generally make a point to avoid him." Ark gestured at a plate of grilled cheese on the table. "Eat, keep your strength up. You're mortal, you'll die if you starve."
"Do you care?"
"I don't exactly want you dead."
"Why not? I'm sure our siblings do."
"I don't care about the way Klaus and Elijah think. If I'm being honest, I haven't cared in over nine centuries. Our sister, on the other hand, doesn't exactly adore you but I don't believe she wishes you dead. So eat, and do try to stay alive." He walked out. Marcel stood outside the door and walked in after Arkyn left.
"You gonna eat that?" He taunted. Finn didn't reply. "Great, then you can go back into your box." He grabbed Finn's forearm and Arkyn sped back inside shoving him off.
"I don't care what Klaus and Rebekah think of you. Lay a hand on my brother and you'll find yourself missing one."
"You don't scare me."
"I should. You see you've been dealing with Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah. I'm a different monster altogether. I don't care about you, and I certainly don't care about Klaus. I'll rip out your heart and feed it to the wolves without losing any sleep."
"And Rebekah?"
"Klaus killed countless of her suitors and she's forgiven him time, and time again. Besides I doubt she cares as much about you as you think."
"That's not your brother anymore."
"Klaus isn't my brother anymore. Elijah isn't my brother anymore." Arkyn said. "Finn, however misguided has only ever been a disappointment to us once or twice. Now I might not be inclined to forgive him so easily, but if I were to give up on my siblings for one mistake, I'd have absolutely no one to call family."
"I don't think you understand. This? It's my city. Your brother? He's my prisoner."
"And what are you going to do? I won't let you shove him in a coffin and yet you seem determined. I cannot be killed, and even if you had the means, you'd first have to best me in a fight. And others far older and stronger than you have tried and failed."
"Sounds like you just need to be knocked down a peg."
"Do your worst, little warrior. You won't succeed."
"You sound exactly like him, you know? You sound like Klaus."

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