2 - The Club

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                     * Author's POV *
As soon as they step in the clubroom, they saw the club members, Natsuki, Yuri and Monika were arrived but they didn't notice Connor and Sayori's arrival. Sayori practically shout at them.

                     * Connor's POV *
When we just entered the clubroom, Sayori shout at the other members.

Sayori: Guys! I brought the new member!!!!

Connor: Sayori, don't call me a member! I'm just come to visit!

Sayori: Ehehe...

Connor: Wait....

I look at a girl that's pretty familiar to me. She also notice me looking at her.

Monika: Wait, aren't you Connor?

Connor: Yeah, you're Monika right? We have Biology class together last year.

Monika: Yeah, I remembered!

Sayori: You guys know each other already?

Connor: Yes, we have class together last year.

Sayori: Wow, that's interesting. I didn't know that you two met before.

Another girl come over to me and greeted me. She is a bit taller than Monika but not taller than me. And she also have purple hair. Looks timid and mature.

Yuri: H-hi there new member. My name is Yuri. I-it's my pleasure to m-meet you.

Connor: Hi there Yuri. The name is Connor. And I think I see someone behind the closet.

Yuri: Oh, she is Natsuki by the way. Natsuki! Would you mind coming out?

Natsuki: Is it the new member here?

Yuri: Yes.

Natsuki: Okay!

As soon as the girl name Natuski come out. I see her way shorter than me. She's about 4'10 to 4'12 (140cm to 150cm) . She has pink hair and.... I think she looks cute, so cute. But she look a bit pissed with my arrival.

Natsuki: Seriously Sayori? You bring a boy to the club?

Sayori: Ehehe... He is my bestest friend of all.

Natsuki: Ugh... whaterver. My name is Natsuki? What's yours?

Connor: The name is Connor. Is my pleasure to meet.

I offered my hand to shake with her, but she didn't respond to it.

Natsuki: No need to be so formal! This is the literature club, not somewhere like a meeting!

Connor: Uhh...maybe you're right.

Natsuki: Whatever I'm going to be in the closet, call me whenever you need me.

After that conversation, she went back into the closet. That went smooth. Sayori then invited me to seat beside her. Seating in front of me is Monika and next to her is Yuri. Yuri got out of her seat.

Yuri: I'll go make some tea. I'll be right back.

Monika: Okay come back fast!

Monika also call out to Natsuki.

Monika: Natsuki! Would you mind to come out? We are having our little meeting here!

Natsuki: Ugh.. coming!!!

Natsuki come out of the closet but she also grab a tupperware out and out it on the table. She open and I see cupcakes inside.

Sayori: Wow, those cupcakes smells good!!

Monika: I have to agree with Sayori.

I just keep quiet because I just can't think of a word to say. To my surprise, she took a seat next to me. I was just a bit shocked and practically stare at her.

Natsuki: What are you looking at dummy? Just take and eat the cupcake already!

Connor: Oh Okay.

I grab one of her cupcake and take a quick look at it. I noticed Natsuki is looking at me waiting for a feedback. I took a bite at the cupcake.

Connor: Mmmmm.... this gotta be the best cupcake I've ever tasted! Thanks you Natsuki!

Natsuki: U-uh no need to thank me. It's not like I made it for you or anything, I made it for everyone!

I giggle a bit. Notice she's a tsundere girl. Just like a character in one of my anime. She also blush a bit. I can see her face turning a bit reddish and she turn her face away.

Yuri comes back holding a tea set with some tea in it.

Connor: Wait, you keep a whole tea set in here?

Yuri: Y-Yeah, the teacher let us keep it.

I take a cup of tea and drink it silently.

Yuri: What types of book you read often?

Consider of me didn't read that much this year, I just half-joking said I read manga.

Connor: ...manga...

Natsuki looks at me for a second but didn't say a word.

Yuri: Not quite a reader I guess.

Connor: Maybe...

After we chit-chat for a while, Monika clap her hands to get others attention.

Monika: Okay, everyone. Today's meeting is over! I have a assignment for you all today, go home and write a poem, bring it tomorrow so we can all share with each other.

Connor: I think this club is interesting. I've made my decision. I will join the club.

Sayori: Oh, we forgot about that you just came to visit. But I'm still happy that your joining!

Monika: So now you are officially the club member of the literature club,Welcome Connor!

Connor: Thanks a lot Monika.

Everyone pack their thing and leave.

Sayori: Ready to walk home,Connor?

Connor: Yeah let's go home.

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