Random #28: This Game, Man...

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Today, I made the best decision of my life. I BOUGHT BANANAS! XD

No, I didn't actually. Something better.

I got friggin' Kid Icarus: Uprising! IT. IS. THE. BEST. GAME. I. HAVE. EVER. PLAYED. The controls are amazing for a 3DS game; it's like a third person shooter plus melee stuff and whacking the living poop out of eggplant wizards.

Yeah, there are eggplant wizards.

The enemies are all unique, each requiring a different strategy to defeat it. Some are really annoying (REAPERS!!!!) but most aren't.

The characters... where do I even start? There's Pit (the main character by the way), Palutena, Thanatos, Medusa, Pandora... even the bosses can be classified as characters too. But the funniest of them all... is Hades. THIS GUY. There is NOTHING to say about this guy! He gets all up in Pit's grill the minute he appears, and doesn't ever let up. I'm not gonna say anything more about him because of SPOILERS, but if you've played this game, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

Also, the fourth wall doesn't exist in this game. The characters demolished it. RIP fourth wall...

Overall, this game is...


No words.

This game, man...

-Gemini <3

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