As he stood there, rooted to the plush ground, his eyes never leave the scene outside his house. A boy, maybe around the age of 17 or 18 is standing still outside, shivering and drench in rain. Though the petite body cannot hide the coldness, the said male was looking up to him with an unreadable emotion, a tender and soft kind of emotion that he never experience of seeing in his entire life. What more magnificent is the innocent smile that the boy is delivering to him. Innocent enough for him to drive him to his insanity. Without even thinking, Phana immediately run downstairs and flew open the door to welcome the pitiful boy. He totally forget that he is only on his pyjama bottoms, making all his tattoo visible among the innocent eyes of the poor soul. He absentmindedly went to the rain to grab hold of the fantasy before his doorstep.
“ Hey!”
he called out. But the said creature only follows all his movement without uttering any words. The boy’s eyes never leave his face as if the lost boy was totally lured and captivated to the perfection of the God that is moving in front of him.
“Hey! You!”
he repeat. No words coming from the pale lips.
“Can you hear me?! Are you even listening?!”
he said his tone is rising to irritation at the unrealized questions he is saying. The boy, without faltering any moment to leave his face from staring at only creep to a wider smile.
‘fuck! Fuck! Fuck’
he muttered in his own mind. Random things are now running inside his hazy mind. But, for the moment he knew that his mind which was trained to control and scare the hell out of everyone is uncontrollable. He doesn’t control it as of right now, seeing how he run through the rain to save and shelter a rain drenched boy.
‘this is stupid…what the hell Phana! Fuck!’
as he curse for the hundredth time. The moment that he is already at the front of the shivering boy, he grab hold of its slender hands. He breathed a sigh of relief when he feel the first sign of life. It is definitely real. He can touch it.
‘atleast I’m not delusional’
as he is pulling the boy to take shed under his home. As he dragged the wet body of the boy to the dry threshold, he is replying for a reply but all he get was total silence. As they are already at the front of his doorstep, he turn around to face the boy who was still looking intently at his eyes without faltering.
“ hey! Can you hear me?”
he asked. The boy only blinked his eyes as it looked at him with it’s own doe eyes. It looked from its right to its left and look again to him and nod. Phana cannot understand if he is talking to a moron or if there is something mentally wrong to the person he is talking now, or maybe he is a foreigner who cannot understand the language that he is using as of now.
“Can you understand me? can you speak? Hello?”
He try using foreign language to ask one more time but the boy painted a deep frown on its beautiful face.
There is definitely something wrong with the boy, it is very visible but he can’t differentiate whatever it is. The wind howl to a greater pressure, making the environment icy cold. The boy suddenly shake due to the coldness that makes Phana remember his conscience to invite the lad to his abode.Without uttering another question which he believes will be answered again with a sceptical awkwardness, he pull the boy inside and closed the door. He then dragged it to the front of the fireplace to warm it while thinking of making something warm for the both of them. By then, he realize that he is still holding the boy’s hands without thinking. He stare at it for a moment and cannot help but feel amazed at how those slender soft hands fitted perfectly to his rough and tanned ones. He return his gaze at the boy’s face and meet with the clearest set of eyes looking intently at him. Small smile creeping at the lass lips as its eyes take also a look at their tangled hands. Everything stops around him when he hear the boy’s voice uttered a word.
“ warm”
the boy return its eyes to Phana’s face to look again the ruthless face of the God. For that brief moment Phana just stand still to where he is positioned.
‘he can speak’
atleast there is an assurance that he can talk. Maybe he can ask him important questions regarding on who he is, where he come from and other winding questions circulating in his brain. He immediately let go of the slim hands and commence a distance from the weird being in his front. The moment that he let go, there is a great remorse and longing painting in a particular muscle of his body that pumps blood. Now, he can now confirm that he definitely have a heart after all. He look again at the lad and he can also see the emotions that he is feeling right now mirroring in its divine eyes. There is also a deep frown contouring in its forehead.
He doesn’t know where and when it started but he believe that he is already losing his self this very night. The titanium that his father harness for the last 24 years are now little by little melting. He can feel that the person that he believe that he is after all this years is now dying and a new Phana Kongtanim is emerging, with a darker and fiercer identity.Maybe, just maybe, the boy being offered for him in this cold night taunt something that is more deadly that what he already is. More vicious and wicked, evil and crazy that he knows that might be dangerous for both of them. As he retreat farther away from the person standing in front of him, he is assuring his self for a safe escape. But the escape that he holding is causing him his immediate death. His muscle tighten and his breath is hallowing. He blink a few more times and look again at the cause of this sudden weakness and there is still that longing look from the boy.
Swallowing the huge lump that develop in his throat, he compose again his self and find his voice.“ I am going to prepare something warm for the both of us, just wait.”
He said then turn around without waiting for the boy’s response.He take a turn to his kitchen and immediately lean at the sink. He take huge breath and suddenly close his eyes to control the frantic beating of his heart. He take seconds to even his breath. Coming back from the sudden weird feeling, he grab hold his wet hair and start cursing under his breath. He open the faucet the wash his stiffen face.
‘this is not me. this is definitely not me. what if he is a burglar, or a runaway criminal. What if he is dangerous? And who the hell in their right mind would be out in the open in this stormy night?
he continue his own rambling as he keep washing his face. But something different flash through his hazy mind.
‘ If he is dangerous, then how come danger become this beautiful?’
as he took in this thought, he raise his head to meet his own reflection in the glass window of his kitchen. And the great Phana Kongthanim was gravely shaken at what he see.
hi! Another update for my Phayo story. Well, this is my first story so please bear with me with all the errors. And thank you for all the reads and votes I receive in the previous chapters. I promise to update everyday. well enjoy!

Boreas' Obssession
Fanfiction2 Moons Fanfic A Phana and Wayo story Amidst the cold night, with heavy rain and lightning being slashed on the sky, a lonely but great God tumble upon something far beyond unexpected. In his foot lay upon an ethereal mortal, drenched in rain and sh...