Bigger badder brutaler

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The original cast heard they weren't going to be competing in season 4. "Ugh great now I've lost my chance at the million bucks." Heather groaned. "Hey cheer up guys. Just because we're not competing doesn't mean we can't watch the season together." Owen smiled hugging Izzy and Noah. "Actually that's not a bad idea Owen." Gwen thought. "Sounds great." Beth smiled. "Ugh fine but only to watch the newbies go what we went through." Heather said plopping down next to Noah.

"Tyler you wanna watch the new season?" Lindsay asked. "Sure thing babe." Tyler said sitting down next to Lindsay. Beth left the room for a minute but came back after Noah Eva Courtney Trent Katie Sadie Sierra Cody Gwen Duncan and Justin agreed. "Hey guys look what I brought." Beth told them. She had a lot of snacks for them. "Wow Beth that's really cool of you." Bridgette smiled. "Yeah the first episode is always the longest so I knew we'd get hungry." Beth said sitting down next to Justin.

"Yeah I can't wait to see what new couples will bloom." Sierra beamed. "Oh yeah I almost forgot about your blog page." Gwen smiled. "Okay guys shut it the shows starting." Duncan told them. (Btw if it's in bold it means it's the TV)
(Kay I'm gonna skip past him explaining the rules cause it's boring)
"Speaking of our cast here they come now." Chris smiled as the camera showed the original cast. The boat sped by with Owen screaming No.

"Chris is still a jerk for not letting us fight for the million this year." Heather groaned. "Girl shut up so we can watch the show." Leshawna told her.

"Heheh no not them. This season we've got an all new cast fighting for the million." Chris said with a smirk. "And here they are now for reals." Chris said as a white boat appeared on screen. "Meet Jo." Chris said showing a dirty blonde haired girl with violet eyes(idk if her eyes are violet but in this fan fic they are). "Stay outta my way if you value your kiwis." Jo told the ginger next to her.

"I can tell she's going to be a load of laughs." Noah sarcastically said. "Hey give her chance. Maybe she has a sweet side to her." Bridgette defended. "Or not." Duncan laughed.

"Scott." Chris said referring to the ginger. "Right back at ya." Scott said sniffing his armpit. "Zoey and Mike." Chris said as the camera showed a tall tan boy and a girl with red hair. "Can you believe we're here?" Zoey asked elbowing Mike. "Yeah it's beautiful." Mike said staring into Zoey's eyes.

"Aww I'm starting a couple blog for them." Sierra said as she pulled out her phone. "Why they just met?" Noah asked. "So I can see love." Sierra smirked. She had just finished typing up a zoke blog. "Hey Sierra do you think that Jo girl is gonna find a boyfriend?" Leshawna asked. "Oh she has a high chance. I know there's someone there that will like her." Sierra assured.

While Zoey and Mike were looking at each other a black jock knocked them over. "Lightning." Chris said as the jock knocked over Zoey and Mike. "Hello gorgeous mwah." Lightning said kissing his bicep. "Brick." Chris said showing a guy with military style hair and black eyes. He had caught Zoey but dropped her. "Brick McArthur reporting for duty." Brick saluted.

"Huh a guy in the military? This'll be fun to watch." Duncan smirked. "Hey did anyone else notice what Scott said to Jo?" Courtney asked. "Yeah when she said to stay out of her oh I see now." Owen said realizing Scott thought Jo was a guy.

"B and Dawn." Chris smiled off camera. B was a large tan guy and Dawn was the opposite a short pale girl. "Your aura is exceptionally purplish green. Oh it suits you though." Dawn said putting her hand on B's shoulder. "Dakota." Chris announced. Dakota was tan bright blonde and was wearing all pink except for her sunglasses. "Hey there hehe Dakota here and I'm here to win this." Dakota started but was cut off.

"Anne Maria." Chris cut Dakota off. Anne Maria had too much spray tan on and had dark hair. "Oh yeah 3 more costs oughta do it." Anne Maria said before being shoved to the ground by Dakota. "Woah who said you could pan away?" Dakota asked in anger. Anne Maria got up and sprayed Dakota saying don't push me blondie.

"Oh yeah chick fights I love that." Duncan smiled. "You know Duncan not all girls are catty and vindictive." Bridgette said in anger. "Hey babe chill. It's okay I'm sure Duncan was kidding." Geoff smiled kissing Bridgette's forehead.

"Staci." Chris continued. Staci was round had brown hair and black eyes. (Again if I got the eyes wrong let me know) "my great aunt Millie invented sun tans. Ya before her people smeared themselves with clay." Staci told Anne Maria. Anne Maria then spray Staci causing her to go into a fit of coughs. "Cameron." Chris continued. Cameron was short with glasses and was standing on the top deck.

"Fresh air, a real lake, birds." Cameron smiled before being attacked by birds. He got knocked over onto the deck where the final competitor was standing. "And Sam." Chris finished. Sam had curly brown hair and wore glasses. He looked up before he went back to playing his video game. "Yep it's gonna be the roughest toughest most explosive season ever." Chris said before BLOWING UP THE FREAKING BOAT!

"OH MY GOD ARE THEY OKAY?!" Bridgette screamed worrying for the new contestants. "Oh man if I see Chris he is gettin a beat down." Leshawna said punching her palm.

Alright part one is done. So hope you guys enjoyed. Oh and let me know would you want me to do a B Scott and Dawn love triangle, just Dawn and B as a couple, or Dawn and Scott. Let me know oh and I really need your feed back. When I read my stories I cringe. If there's something I can improve on then let me know. Until next chapter bye

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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