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Steph had a lot of questions, but she didn't say another word while they were flying for quite a while. In fact one of her questions was 'How on Earth are we flying?'. She didn't know what had happened to her, but she knew that her life was changing. Maybe forever.

"Don't worry." Jack called to her after a while. "I'm not going to drop you!"

"Worry?" She scoffed clearing her throat, and trying to sound confident despite her fear of plummeting to her death. "Who's worrying?"

He looked down his arm at her smiling and laughing. "You're kidding right?" He laughed, but her face remained unchanged. His face grew close to serious, nod he cleared his throat mockingly to her. "Well I assumed you were. You've been moaning and whimpering ever sense we took off."

Steph felt her cheek flush as he playfully jeered at her. She wondered if her cheeks actually looked red. Her hands were still milky white that should be numb and chapped but they weren't. It was a few more silent moments before Jack tried to converse again.

"It's a good thing I found you when I did." The ominous tone in Jack's voice voice caught Steph by surprise. From what she'd seen he seemed like an overall go lucky guy, but now the jeering laughter i his melodic voice was gone.

"Why?" She asked. A burst of wind pushed her up against Jack and he expertly hoisted her around so she rested on him piggy back style.

"Do you see how the mountains over there are dark?" He asked pointing off into the distance.

Steph squinted, but try as he might she could make out nothing except night, and snow. "I don't see anything" She frowned, but just as she said it the night around them darkened significantly.

"Blizzard." He said proudly. "I called it a while ago, but they take some time to generate. It's going to be pretty strong, but don't worry. We're almost to North's workshop."

"Called it?" Steph asked bewildered, and keeping her face down against the wind.

"Of course!" He laughed. "You can see me. I figured you knew who I was!" He glanced back over his shoulder at the huddled figure of the girl with the whitish blue pony tail.

"No!" She called back.

"Oh come on." He held out his staff, but she wasn't looking. "I don't remind you of anyone?" This time her head shot up and she starred at him open mother and wide eyed. She gaped at him blankly for a moment, and a cocky half grin crept across his lips. "Jack Frost at your service." Steph's mouth stayed open in astonishment for a long while after Jack turned back to look where he was going. Could this teenager really be Jack Frost? He didn't look any more than eighteen. Jack Frost would be hundreds of years old, if he even existed at all. He was a legendary figure, a myth, he couldn't be real. Could he?

"Not trying to sound rude or anything, but it's not everyday your life is saved by Jack Frost you know. I was hoping for some kind of response."

He cast a waiting gaze back at her waiting for her response. He hoped it was a good one. Usually only the crazy teenage girls could see him, but Steph seemed pretty cool. A little oblivious, and a little temperamental, but an improvement on Sophie. Sophie had been cute when her and Jamie were young, but now that she was 13 she was completely head of heels.

"That's impossible!" Steph cried frantically. "Flying is impossible! This entire thing is impossible!" She pinched her arm. "I'm asleep." She pinched her arm. "I'm asleep." She pinched her arm again, but nothing happened.

Okay. Not a great reaction.

"We'll hey now!" Jack frowned. "You should be happy to see me! Everyone else is! Sometimes a little too happy in fact." He added under his a little under his breath remembering the last time he'd visited Jamie and Sophie had had a bunch of friends over who practically trampled him when they saw him. "I'm making your dreams come true!"

"Don't get so defiant! I'm sure you have plenty of fan girls, but who said I was one of them! Before now you've never been in my dreams."

Steph gasped as Jack stopped abruptly, sending her flying over his hooded head. She didn't even have time to scream before she went tumbling into another pile of crusty snow. Groaning, she pulled herself out of the drift and looked up at the tall, pale, bare footed boy standing in front of her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait." He scoffed, and posed while pointing at her accusingly. "You are telling me that you've never believed in me?"

"I'm sure I did when I was three." She refuted. "But I grew up and now I'm sitting here looking at some self centered teenager with a stick, who doesn't believe in shoes!"

"It. Is. A. Staff." It took a lot for Jack not to smile as Steph's temper kicked in. Her "insults" were nothing. "And who are you to accuse!" He jeered. "Where are your shoes Miss Know-it-all? Of did you not realized that your feet aren't exactly shoe bound either."

Blushing she glanced down at her favorite tribal pattern knee highs, and looked back up at him sheepishly.

"We'll I didn't exactly choose to wear this." She sighed defensively.

"Are you suggesting I did?"

She paused brows furrowed. "You didn't?"

"Okay, yeah I did, but there's no reason to be critical." He folded his arms across his chest and jutted out his jaw. "Maybe I'll just leave you to freeze to death."

Steph almost began to plead, but she saw the playful half smile flicker on his lips. She opened her mouth to protest, but she wasn't about to give him the satisfaction, and then clamped her mouth shut.

"Ah that's more like it." He grinned. "Good girl." He walked right passed her with that stupid sly grin still etched on his face. Steph grumbled under her breath, but she followed along behind him all the same.

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