Field Trip Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Friday came way too quickly for Peter's liking. Soon enough, Peter's homeroom class clambered into a yellow bus talking rapidly. Peter gloomily walked into the bus with Ned continuously chatting in his ear and MJ calmly reading her book. "Oh, do you think we'll see the Avengers!" Ned said after climbing into the seat. "What do you think? They live there." MJ says with a dull voice still reading her book. "God I hope not." Peter groans.

Time Skip to Stark Tower

The bus had arrived and Peter was awaiting his embarrassment. "Okay, everyone single file line and no going off route during the tour." Mr. Harrison said. "Hey, Penis! Can't wait to see your face when the rest of the class find out you lied." Flash taunted. Everyone glared at Flash and started walking toward the entrance. To hide, Peter put himself in the middle of the group and walked through the scanner only for FRIDAY to declare "Welcome back Mini Stark. We've been waiting for you to return home." "Ugh, FRIDAY why did you have to do that." Peter groaned. "I'm sorry Peter. The others requested that I do so." FRIDAY said. "Well, can you please tell me where everyone is and what they are planning to do." "Unfortunately, they have requested that I keep that a secret from you." "Okay, thank you FRIDAY that's enough." a voice said. "Hello everyone. As you all know I'm Tony Stark and I'll be your guide today." Suddenly an extreme amount of whispering aroused from the group of young brilliant minds. "Okay, so do you guys have any questions for me?" Tony asked. "I do," Flash said, "Is Pen-Peter your intern?" "What did you just almost call him. FRIDAY assemble Avengers in the lobby and show them the footage of the last 5 minutes as they come down." Tony said with a stern voice. All of the Avengers came downstairs from wherever they were before with angry faces. "We need to talk, Peter," Tony said and they went up the elevator and into the penthouse. Pepper was inside and asked what was wrong. "Peter is being bullied."

To be continued...

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