Chapter 23 - Behind Bars

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John's POV

"They raped him!" Sherlock shouted, throwing whatever verbal proof he had at the principal - which was none.

As I said, we don't have any proof.

"Is this true, Mr. Watson?" The principal asked, skeptical.

I nodded, feeling small. As I also said, I didn't want to think about this. I just want it to go away. I remember the feeling of Evan's hands all over me, jerking me off, shoving his fingers in my mouth. I remember Jeremy's cock down my throat, choking me, while they both laughed evilly. I remember being flipped over uncomfortably, Evan and Jeremy taking turns fucking me.

And I could do nothing about it.

I don't know when I started crying, but by now tears streamed down my face, soaking my shirt. Sherlock pat my shoulder comfortingly. I know he wants to do more, but he can't. Not here.

"Do you think we'd make this up?!" Sherlock hissed, "Does it look like we're fucking making this up?!"

"Mr. Holmes, please! Language!" The principal scolded.

"I'm sorry," Sherlock tried to calm down, "But this is unacceptable. Do something!"

"I'll call the police," he picked up his office telephone, "Does that suffice, Mr. Watson?"

I nodded again, trying to stop my sobs. I remember the awful things they said to me.

"Aw, yeah, just like that."

"Suck it harder. Take it all in!"

"God, you're tight...fuck!"

"You like my prick, fag? Bet you do."

I shook it away. Just stop thinking about it. Please...make it stop...

I tried to calm down. Don't do this here, I told myself, not here!

I hugged my knees to my chest, my body shook, I felt gripped by the claws of fear. I cried, hard, all over my jeans.

Stop it. Stop this. Quit being a baby.

I can't. I'm scared.

The voices in my head quarreled in a loud jumble. My brain hurt, my ears rang. I shut my eyes. I couldn't hear much, but I could hear Sherlock.

Just vaguely.

"Call the police! I'll take him to the nurse's office."

I could barely feel myself being carried to Mrs. Hudson's. I could barely feel being placed on a bed. I could barely hear Sherlock leave, or the questions that were asked.

Mrs. Hudson went to the other room, I think, because I felt Sherlock give me a soft and meaningful kiss before he sped out.

I was calmer now. Thank you.

Mrs. Hudson asked me things like "Are you okay?" and "What happened?"

"No, I'm not okay," I spat, "I was raped."

She gasped audibly, "Oh my God! John, have you told anyone?!"

"Sherlock and the principal. That's all. And you want to know what happened? I had a panic attack just then. A fucking panic attack. I want to see them put in jail!" I shouted, watching her flinch at my language, though she understood.

"As do I," she nodded, "They're horrid."

"They are. The Archangels of Anarchy need to be stopped."

"The Archangels?!" Mrs. Hudson gasped, "They did this?! Sherlock?!"

"Not Sherlock," I smiled warmly, "Jim, Irene, Charles, and Sebastian."

"Thank God," Mrs. Hudson held a hand over her heart, "I always knew he was a good soul."

I nodded, "He is."

"He wants to be a detective, you know," she smiled, looking through her medicine cabinet, "It's his secret ambition."

"Nice," I nodded. Sounds like a solid career. I really would like to see him persue something as great as being a detective - it'd give his life somewhere to go, which I think is what he needs.

Mrs. Hudson brought over a couple pills and a glass of water, "Here John. These will help you sleep."

"I'm sleeping fine on my own, thanks," I insisted, but she made me take them anyway.

"They'll help you sleep deeper," she smiled as I washed the pills down with water. Soon after, I slipped into dreamland.


"John. John!"

Someone was shaking me violently. I jolted awake and looked around. Where am I? It took me much longer than it should have to realize I'm in my room. Someone must have moved me.

"John," Sherlock stood over me, his hard gaze softening when I opened my eyes, "You won't believe it!"

"What?!" I acknowledged the excitement in his voice. Good news.

"The Archangels have been taken in for questioning," Sherlock rushed, "They'll want you in tomorrow, too."

"Why me?" I asked, appalled.

"You're the victim. They want your side of the story."

I nodded slowly, "Okay. Makes sense."

Sherlock's persona suddenly turned to concern, "How are you?"

"Not good," I sighed, "I'm really, really scared. I don't know why, I just don't feel safe anywhere anymore."

He leaned forward to kiss me wholeheartedly, hugging me tightly. "It'll be okay, John," Sherlock murmured next to my lips, "I'll keep you safe. I won't fail this time."

"It doesn't bother you that...that this has momentarily ruined our sex life?" I ask. I know he likes that bit.

"No," Sherlock shook his head, "I don't just love you for your body. You know that, right?"

"Of course," I assured him, "Someday though, hopefully soon, I'll have to face my fear. It'll be somewhat cleansing. I can't be afraid of sex forever."

He nodded slowly, "Right. You tell me when you're ready, John. I won't pressure you."

I hugged him. He's too good to me. I don't know why a greaser would be this kind, especially to me. It honestly blows my mind.

I think I'll take a few days, maybe weeks, to calm down. Then I'll go all the way with him, as I want to. I need to show him how much he means to me, in any and every way I know how.

**Hur hur hur

Is that full-on smut on the horizon, or am I seeing things? Hehhhehehe

So yeah this story will be 30 chapters long, and when it's finished I'll start a Teenlock/Steampunklock fic. I think that'll be coolio schmoolio.

Remember, y'all just keep being y'all!

xoxo, Garnent•.•**

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