•two• -daily life-

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Jimin rubbed his eyes and stretched a little. A new day. A new chance to meet the unknown man.

Ever since he started dreaming he made a challenge out of it to meet him. It would be something fun in his life. Finally meeting the guy of his dreams sounded good to him.

Smiling, he got up and opened the curtains which where dimming the room from the sunlight. His room was painted in a soft beige which made it look more comfortable than just white walls. His king sized bed was a mess. He just pushed the responsibility of folding the sheets away. Everywhere where a few candles placed to make the room smell flowery. In the corner of the room where a few shelves with baby fotos of him and his brother Jeongguk. He hasn't seen him in a while. They lost track and couldn't keep in touch - too busy with their own lives.

He grabbed a few books that where laying on the floor and put them back in the shelve while humming a happy song. Then he opened the windows wide to let fresh air in and got some water.
Still humming he came back with water in a watering can and started to pour a few shots to his small plants. Everytime he did so, he had a one-sided conversation with them and talked about his dreams for the future.

Putting the watering can down on the windowsill, he grabbed the pencil which was laying next to it and a small notepad. Jimin started to write the date [Sep. 2nd] and the dream he had in random points [Rain] , [Mysterious guy], [Woman] [Coffeeshop]. Satisfied with the result and exactly knowing what these random points mwo9n, he put the pen down and pulled the stickie off the notepad and sticked it to his window to the rest of the stickies.

Jimin remembers every single dream he had but would always write them down just in case he would forget one. No one understands the short words he wrote on the notepad so it was just like a little secret to him.
Jumping down from the windowsill, he quickly turned to his closet and starts to get out his clothes for today. He knew from his dream that it would rain today so he got out black jeans with a plain white shirt and a jacket. Jimin got his shoes and put them on.

He brushed his teeth quickly and stroked his hair a few times to make it look more clean and neat.
He grabbed his keys and an umbrella for later. Even though the weather forecast guaranteed no rain, he trusted his dreams more.

Jimin closed the door and started to go to his work place knowing exactly who he is going to meet all the way.
He walked into the same coffeeshop he went every morning and waited in the lane.

"What can I give you, Sir.", the soft voice of the employee asked him.
"Iced Americano with caramel, please.", Jimin answered and got out his wallet.
"This will make..."
He started to blend everything out what she said. He knew the price and everything else she would say to him because she would repeat herself for the next thousand times. She can't do anything else. The owner of the coffeeshop told her to do so and that's totally acceptable. But Jimin didn't care about that. More what will happen next that he already dreamed.

He waited for his coffee so he just leaned against the counter. He started to count down from three.
"What do you mean 'we don't sell that anymore'?!", a middle aged woman started to yell at the employee.

The young lady at the counter didn't know how to respond. She just tried to do her job. You could tell that she started her job not long ago. She looked scared and obliviously in stress.
"I'm sorry ma'am but the coffeebeans for the hazelnut flavor is empty. We are getting new one in a few days.", she started to defend but that did not appeal to the older woman's liking:

"And you sold the last cup to someone else?! Excuse me-", she stressed the 'excuse me' a lot, snapping her fingers in the young womans face. "- but do you know who I am?! I am here every single day! And I think that almost any other person who works here knows that."

She really snapped that loud that everyone was watching the scenario. She was obviously doing all this to get attention or a free cappuccino.
"I demand to talk to your manager right no-", she started but Jimin cut her off.

"Excuse, miss but can you please tell me what the big problem is when something is currently not available?"
She turned her head to look at him and scoffed. "And who are you?", she pointed at him.

"Isn't it rude to point a naked finger at someone? And who I am is none of your business. This young lady can't get you a hazelnut cappuccino right now because it's not here so why do you attack that innocent woman?", he asked and snaped his finger at the words 'hazelnut cappuccino' mockingly into her face.

"Let's stay realistic or where the fuck do you think we can get you hazelnut coffebeans right now, huh? Maybe you should go to Latin America and work many hours on a field to get you stupid hazelnut cappuccino? I think this dirty work would perfectly fit for a person like you!", Jimin started to get angry at some point and raised his voice whenever he could, feeling really proud to remember one of the parts of the world where coffeebeans was coming from.

Jimin was still panting a little bit from talking so much and loud at the same time and took a sip of his coffee. "So I think that it would make us all happy if you leave. Because no one needs an attention seeker or someone who wants a free cappuccino just from calling the manager and I'm pretty sure that even he would disagree with you.", he added.

She blinked for a few times and everyone around them stopped talking, eyes on them. Then Jimin smiled at the employee assuring her that she did everything right and that it's not her fault.
The woman scoffed for the second time and walked out, still talking angrily to herself.

Jimin looked after her and grinned a little bit at his own success. But the Karma wasn't done yet. Right at the moment she stepped outside it started to rain really hard. No one expected rain today so the woman wasn't prepared either and started to curse at everything around her.

Jimin giggled, drank his coffee, took out his umbrella and walked comfortably to work while it was raining.

But he did not meet the mysterious guy - yet...

(Photo by hisasihun on Instagram)

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(Photo by hisasihun on Instagram)

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