•three• -free-

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Hold up. How did I end up here?
And why can't I see? Are the lights turned off?

Yoongi tried to get up but failed as his knees gave up on him. Moaning in pain, he eventually gave up after the next few minutes of trying.

He didn't remember how he got in this situation. This is the most scary thing he could make out right now.
He was out of breath but didn't know why. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest as if he was running a marathon a few minutes ago. He could feel his hair sticking to his forehead. Probably because he was sweating or maybe the rain made him wet. But it's not raining in heaven. And he doesn't have a pulse either so having a heartbeat was suspicious.

Something is wrong here...

It took him some time but eventually he could get up. Was it just him or was everything, his bodyweight included, heavier? His eyes got adjusted to the bare light that was hitting his eyes. He started to make out a few things around him. He saw weird houses. Something he thought he would never see in his life. Ever. Those aren't normal houses he knew. Those are human houses.
Looking in every direction he saw some trees and a few cars parking on the road. The roads where clear and quiet. No one was near him. Not a single soul.

Well said, Yoongi. I already noticed that I'm not at home anymore.

He looked down and saw his bare feet. The street felt wet and it was raining. Yoongi never felt rain before. This felt weird but he quickly got used to it. This felt so surreal to him, he could never imagine something in his dreams so he definitely wasn't dreaming.

In his stomach area it started to rumor so he assumed that he didn't eat anything in the last few hours. He should get something to eat before he will starve.



That day was a really enjoyable. Everything went as planned just like in his dream. The sun was already gone and it was raining all day but he still had a relaxed day at work. He worked as a waitress in a small cafe called "Jin's heaven" and to be honest, everything tasted like heaven there. That's why so many people like to come over and have a little break there.

Sighing he made his way down the street. It was getting dark and his way home was quite long but he didn't care. He had two jackets on him to keep him warm. Fall was his favorite season because he could step on a leave and make it crunch. He always enjoyed doing that while going for a walk.
Keeping his eyes fixed on the rode to crunch more leaves. As he looked up he was blinded by a car driving by. Usually it hurt his eyes and he would just curse softly but today was just such a good day that he ignored it. But while the car turned into a small street ahead of him he could make out a small silhouette walking as if it used his feet for the first time.

Probably a homeless guy. Ugh why me?
Why do I have to this way again? Oh yes because I have no car.

He tried to ignore the person only to notice that it wasn't a homeless guy approaching him. Even though the stranger had no shoes on he looked like a normal citizen of Seoul. The guy had his head low, black hair soaked from the rain and white clothes stuck to his petite body. He then noticed the soft orange aura surrounding him. Jimin didn't know if it came from the lanterns above them or if he was just imagining things.

Jimin tried to look into the strangers face but it hung so low that he couldn't really make out if the person was young or old. Slowly looking away again to continue his path it snapped in his head. This is someone he didn't see in his dreams. Usually someone like that would be stuck in his head until he met him in public.

Jimin stopped in his tracks abruptly making the guy next to him snap his head up to look at him. He probably scared that stranger by stopping so abruptly. Jimins gaze fell on the strangers face who didn't seem like a stranger anymore. He knows that face. The black hair, those pretty lips which looked like they were about to fall off in the cold, the jawline that didn't mach his adorable cheeks. Everything. Just everything reminded him of that guy he just wasn't able to meet yet. YET. (A/n: YEET)

The guy in his dreams was standing in front of him. How stupidity romantic does that sound? Finally. Finally!
Jimin only then realized that he was holding his breath all the time. He let that bit of air out only to see his warm breath mixing with the cold air around him.

Not to seem like a total freak, Jimin opened his mouth to speak: "Aren't you cold?"
His voice cracked a little from excitement. This question wasn't really creative but would explain why he stopped only to stare at that pretty boy. He didn't know where that conference came from but he giggled and said: "Of course you are, look at you!"

The guys eyes went down, scanning his own body that was shivering. Almost in an instant Jimin took both jackets that he was wearing off and gave the guy the jacket he was wearing underneath the other one. It was warmer than the other 'cause it was heated up by his own body warmth. This jacket was one of his favorite because it had his initials on it. His grandmother gave it to him. It's the only thing that he remembers from her. She passed away when he was only 2 years old and eventually got it when he was big enough to wear it. But he didn't mind giving it to the mysterious man of his dreams.

His eyes met the dark and unreadable expression on the guys face. Was he taking it or not? He seemed to think about something because his expression turned into a puzzled one.
"Take it.", Jimin simply said. His arm with the jacked was stretched out into the guys direction. Good 30 seconds passed that felt like decades and Jimins arm got tired so he simply did it himself. He took a step closer to that guy and put the jacket over his shoulders. He could feel the guys breath hitch and his body relax because of the warmth that covered his body.

"See.", Jimin smiled softly. "This is much better, huh?" Jimin didn't wait for an answer just simply enjoyed the view in front of him as the guy put his arms into the sleeves. He looked kind of shy to be honest and Jimin could swear that he just saw a small blush creep to his face. Jimin put back on his other jacket and looked at the guy.
It was silent for a few seconds until the he finally spoke for the first time ever: "Thank you."

His voice was deep and enjoyable to listen too even though he only heard two words escape his mouth. A shiver ran down his spine as he tucked his hands back into the pockets of his jacket. Then he looked down at his feet. They were wet and probably very cold. Jimin sighed. "Where did you leave your shoes? If you don't wear anything soon you'll get sick." He murmured as he took one shoe off and took his socks of, doing the same on the other side, carefully trying not to wet his own feet. Being barefooted in shoes wasn't comfortable but the guy had it worse so he gave them to him as well. He knew that socks wouldn't help but at least keep his upper feet warmer. Luckily it stopped raining.

"You should go home.", Jimin said but the guy just scrunched his nose up and responded with a dry: "Too far away."
Sighing for the third time in 10 minutes already he started to walk past him, grabbing his hand and pulling him with him. The guy gasped surprised at his actions but didn't say anything.
"You're coming with me then.", Jimin said not looking back at the guy that tightened his grip on Jimin who was trying to get home as fast as possible.



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