•four•-home, sweet home-

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He watched as Jimin took out his keys from the pocket in his jacket. He then proceeded to open the door for them to his apartment. His feet were soaked but at least not that wet like they were before. He found out that the nice guys name was Park Jimin and honestly it was such a nice name that he said it way often than he expected while directly talking to him.

The door swung open to reveal a small but pretty hallway. Yoongi wanted to go in but was immediately stopped by Jimins voice: "Take off your socks. My floors are not the streets." He then softly giggles as he walked past Yoongi, already having his shoes off and set by the door. Yoongi nodded and took of Jimins wet socks and mumbled a soft 'sorry' as he looked at them. They had a small rainbow on the side which made them look adorable. (A/n mine got rainbows on them too)

Walking in and awkwardly standing in the hallway he looked around and noticed how many baby photos of Jimin hung on the wall. He actually looked adorable on them. He didn't notice how Jimin took the jacket off of his shoulders to expose his soaked clothes. It was cold immediately and he slung his arms around himself.
Jimins soft eyes met his as he smiled. "You go take a shower. I'll put some fresh clothes outside the bathroom door and while you take a shower I will cook dinner for us. You must be starving. Is Tteokbokki okay? I got some leftover rice cakes and thought about making us something out of it."
Yoongi just nodded not really knowing what a rice cake was.

Jimin showed him the way to his bathroom and explained that he had to wait a few seconds for warm water then he left, not locking the door just to be safe.
Yoongi put his head into his hand as he just stared at the shower for a few moments. But nothing happened.
Why wasn't that working?

Staring more intensely at the showerhead his eyes started to burn slowly. He blinked a few times and tried it again for about 4 times until he groaned in frustration. A few seconds later he heard a soft 'Is everything okay?' from outside. Yoongi sighed and opened the door, revealing a concerned Jimin. "Not working.", Yoongi grumbled and pointed at the showerhead. He hated the shower. It didn't want to turn on even though Jimin said that it would work in a few seconds.
Jimin gave him a confused look and took the showerhead into his hand on lifted a small handle. Immediately the water shot out of the showerhead which made Yoongi jump.

He felt a little embarrassed but who could blame him? He wasn't human after all. Jimin turned the water back off and looked up at him. "It's working. What did you do that it didn't work at first?", he asked but Yoongi didn't answer and started to take off his wet shirt. Jimin let out a shocked gasp as he grabbed Yoongis hands, stopping him from pulling the shirt over his head. "Don't get naked in front of me, hello?!", his voice went two octaves higher than his usual voice that he found cute. Yoongi lowered his hands with the shirt and only blinked. "R-right. I should leave you alone. Here you have your clothes.", he quickly said and left fresh clothes on a shelf.

Yoongi could catch one last expression before Jimin left and closed the door. Was it embarrassment? But why? Shrugging he started to take a shower.


Jimin took a deep breath as he walked back to the kitchen. He was already making dinner. His cheeks were still flustered. He was feeling weird.

It was only Yoongis stomach. Jesus why am I making a big deal out of it?

He tried to just ignore it and continue making food. After some time everything was ready and Jimin got bored. He took out his phone, sat down and waited for Yoongi to get out of the shower.

A few minutes passed and he started wondering why it took so long. Jimin got up and went to the bathroom. You could hear that the water was turned off but why wasn't any noise from inside. No sign that Yoongi was getting dressed. Jimin knocked on the door softly not to scare him and waited a few seconds. The door opened and Yoongi mumbled something like 'sorry for taking so long' and walked past him. The hoodie that Jimin gave Yoongi gave him adorable sweater paws. He just watched how Yoongi marched down the hallway but losing his way after he turned left into Jimins bedroom. Chuckling he called Yoongi to come back and made him follow into the kitchen.

The food wasn't the best but Yoongi seemed to eat it as if he never had food in his entire life. Jimin liked the sight and it's the first time someone liked his food so much. Yoongi ate everything up and huffed. Maybe that was a sign that he was done eating. Jimin finished and cleaned up after the two and went back to Yoongi who was still looking around. "It ain't much but it's honest work.", Jimin said after he realized that his home must look like a house for gnomes. But that's right, he really worked hard to live on his own.

Happily sighing Jimin got up and turned to look at Yoongi. "Will you sleep here? It's getting pretty late."
He nodded and got up too. Jimin went to his bedroom but look immediately frustrated.  He didn't know where to put Yoongi. He only had his bed. He had no living room or some sort so he just had to put him on his bed.
But then Jimin remembered: He had a mattress under his bed. He used to have a friend over who liked to have a sleepover but months passed and he got no response to the invitation he send for a sleepover.

Jimin started to make Yoongis bed. He would only stay here for a night and go back to his house, right?
He made it comfortable enough for Yoongi to sleep on it. The only thing that was missing was a pillow. Jimin only had two pillows but he always uses two so he could sleep better. Well now he has to give one to Yoongi. He decided to give him his favorite pillow and placed it down onto the mattress. "Done.", Jimin mumbled as he patted the bedsheets. Yoongi was quietly watching him. He seems like he doesn't like to speak. That was fine to Jimin.

Jimin went to the bathroom to get dressed to go to sleep and let Yoongi get dressed in his room. After they changed, Jimin jumped onto his bed and hugged his only pillow that was left. Yoongi just stood there. Not really sure what to do.
"C'mon! It's nice and warm under the sheets.",  Jimin said.
Yoongi sat down on his mattress and actually smiled for the first time. Wow Yoongi really likes it.

I got comfortable and turned off the lights in the room. The two were greeted with darkness and soft breathing from both of them. Jimin just couldn't sleep so he thought about a joke to brighten the mood and break the tension. Seokjin, his boss at work, was really good at telling jokes and he would always laugh at them so Jimin thought he could say one that fit to the situation: "Hey....Yoongi.", Jimin whispered and the only thing he could make out was the sound of Yoongi moving. "What did the blanket say when it fell off the bed?", he continued but Yoongi didn't say anything. Jimin took this as an 'I don't know' and continued: "Oh sheet!"
Jimin started to giggle but noticed soon enough that Yoongi wasn't laughing at his joke.

"Sorry...", he said short after the more akward moment that was developing. He wanted to explain something more but heard soft snores coming from Yoongis direction. "Wow...", he whispered. "Good that he didn't hear that stupid ass lame joke."
Jimin turned away to face the wall and snickered softly again. "Oh sheet...Jin is so funny."

And with that he slowly fell asleep too.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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