Not Technically a Fandom I Agreed to But Ok

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For furry trash osomatsu-trash

   There he is. Or she is. Or it is. I'm gonna go with it. Noh-Face. Or No-Face. I refuse to look it up. He's just fucking around in the bathhouse or wherever this takes place, doing things that would traumatize Rob Bricken.

   You stare at him, salivating over the things he's doing to Sen. You wish he'd do that to you. He doesn't stare back, because he has no eyes. After he's finished, he turns his condom-shaped body towards you. You OwO.

   "N-Nani..." You say, like the weeb trash you are. You brush a strand of (hair color) hair behind your shoulder. He's so close to you now. If he had a mouth you would kiss him. But he has no mouth.

   Until suddenly, he does. A long-ass tongue shoots out and wraps around your waist, yanking you into his mouth and down his throat. You gag as the stomach acid hits you, melting your eyes like Toht's face. But it's ok. Maybe Daddy wants you blind. It pours down your throat and you choke. Corrode my organs, Oni-chan!

   By the time you realize your flesh is melting, it's too late. Omae wa mae shinderu, meinu. You didn't even get to nut.

(Inspiration: )

Totally Unironic X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now