As we got home I went to sit on the couch and stared at the ceiling.

"Are you okay Amelia?" asked Jackson

"Mmmhmm" I responded with

Why would mum text me? What should I text back? Should I even text back? I kept gazing at the roof until I felt Jackson join me on the couch. I dropped my gaze from the roof down to Jackson. I wanted a reason to get up and leave, go for a walk and clear my mind.

"I'm gonna go to the shops" I finally said

"Do you want me to come with you?" asked Jackson

"No, it's okay" I said getting up "I'll be back in a few"

I slipped on some us and grabbed the key card to get back into the house.

I probably looked like some drunk girl wanting food. I didn't care, I kept walking. I got to the lobby and kept walking. I heard someone yell out my name but I just ignored them. I felt someone turn me around before I could stop myself I was crying in the arms of whoever turned me around.

"Whoa, hey, Shh, Shh its okay." It was Logan... I kept crying for no reason at all, being in Logan's arms made me feel safe, like nothing could hurt me... no this is wrong. I told myself. I'm with Jackson... I love Jackson. I pulled away from Logan.

"What happened Amelia?" Logan asked

I didn't know what to say.

"I'm overwhelmed" I sighed.

I looked around, luckily there was like 2 people in the lobby so no one saw my breakdown.

"Amelia!" I heard someone yell from behind me. I turned around, startled at the sudden yell.

"What the hell do you think you are doing!?" yelled Jackson looking furious

" was nothing, I didn't think, I was overwhelmed, he was the closest person to me, I'm sorry" I said tears streaming down my face.

"You told me you were going shopping! And look at you! This is not shopping!" Jackson yelled

No shit Sherlock! I said to myself

"I had a mental breakdown!" I screamed

"That's no excuse" he yelled back

I looked at him and walked out of the building. I heard someone yell out my name but I kept walking, and walking, and walking. I had no clue where I was and I didn't have my phone on me. Jackson was mad... really mad

I didn't know what to do about anything at the moment. I had nowhere else to go. I had to go back, Jackson couldn't be mad at me forever? Could he? I went to turn back and go to the place I call home but when I did I realised, I had no clue where I was. There were a few houses around so I decided to ask to stay at one of those houses. I walked to the nearest house and knocked on the door. I was hoping that is was not a man, I didn't want to see any more men for the night. I stood outside of the door for 3 minutes and when I was about to walk away the door was opened. I was greeted by a little girl who looked about 6 or 7, she called out,

"Mummy! There is a crying girl at the door!" said the little girl.

"How many times do I have to tell you Alexa..." the lady paused when she saw me "Oh my gosh! Sweetie are you okay?!" the lady ran over to me and grabbed my hand, she looked at me in the eyes and said

"Its okay honey... here come inside I'll make you a glass of hot chocolate" her soothing voice was so welcoming. I looked at her and went inside.

"Mama? Why has the girl been crying? I want her to stop crying" she was so innocent. I smiled at her as she grasped my hand.

The lady walked me to what seemed like their living room and sat me down with a pillow and a small blanket and went off to the kitchen.

"What's your name?" asked the little girl

"My...My name is Amelia. How about you? What's your name?" I replied

"Alexa!" said the girl cheerfully. 

Running from my StalkerWhere stories live. Discover now