The first week back

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652 words
Hermoine was having trouble avoiding ron mostly because there both griffindor.
Harry and her talked,but she didnt tell him about what happened on the train with draco.
He was in two of her classes Potions and defence against the dark arts.
That day in potions they were doing the potion of love,Hermoine couldnt say the name,she was worried about draco.
"Alright partners for this assinment" the professar started calling names "Hermoine granger and Draco malfoy" "Great" she whispered.
They walked to there table "hey,gra-" he started "shh!" She hissed "So we are making the strongest love potion in the world today class" professar exlaimed "i have a batch already made up at the front,and i am going to pull a table to come up" he pulled out a paper "number 3,thats malfoy and granger" hermoine was embaressed,but didnt show it.
"Now each if you will take a sniff of the potion,and it will smell like whatever you are attracted to" we nodded " Granger you first" She slowly took a sniff and said " i smell freshly mowed grass,and spermint toothpaste and..and i belive its green apples" she said and went back to her table "very good,malfoy you now" he slowly sniffed and said "it smells like books" he said and slowly grinned "And my colonge" everyone laughed and he came to the table "you may begin,please help eachother".
They started working and Draco was doing this one step incorrectly "Your doing it wrong Draco" she said calmly "I am?" He asked "Yes you are" she kept working "Well enlighten me then granger" he said.She showed him how and handed him back the ingredient,he grabbed it and there hands touched just for a second,it was more than enough to make him blush apparently."And the winning table is Draco and Hermoine!" Professar said "You may keep your potions,everyone else hand them to the front".
It was after school many classes later,ron hadnt even tried to speak to her,good she thought. She walked down to the beach and saw Draco,she hid behind a tree.
"Why her? Why?" He was talking to himself "I mean shes a mudblood! And a griffindor! But and funny and caring...and shes beutiful" she was still listening "But she would never i dont like her! Do i?" He asked. He started to stand up and walk near her spot she backed up and tripped "ah!" She yelped he saw her just in time,he reached out and caught her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her forward,a little to hard and she came slamming into him. When he opened his eyes he realized that he was holding her waist and she was holding onto his neck.
"What are you doing here? How long were you here?" He asked "Just long enough to hear you talking to yourself..." she said quietly "You heard all of it?" He asked sheepishly "yeah,im sorry i wont say anything to anyone." She said "Ok,good" she looked up and blushed and let go of his neck,he held on.
"I should go,harry wanted to talk with me" she tried walking away.
"Harry can wait" draco said hermoine was scared confused and slightly happy at the same time "Draco we really have to go,it's almost time before we have to be in our common places" she tried to make him let go and they fell down the hill,now covered in sand and dirt,hermoine stood up and found draco just sitting there "Draco i wont tell anyone ok?" He just shook his head and said " i dont like you granger" and he stood up and walked away , but she only heard a little of what he said "i lo-" and she didnt think anything of it, when she should of.

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