Chapter 1- Who is that?

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Jasper's P.O.V.

I get to finally open my bakery, “Jaspers Delightful Desserts” today. After saving up for 3 years while working at Julio’s cafe, man was that rough. The hours were awful, he would want me to work too late like until 10:30 p.m. and he expected me to come in early like 5 a.m. when the shop opened at 6:30 a.m. so I had no time to have a life. Although the pay was good, I wasn’t happy there.

My mom always wanted me to follow her dreams since she couldn’t. My mom Annalise became pregnant at the age of 20 and her boyfriend left her to fend for herself.

She didn’t move back home so instead she put herself through college, she only had 1 more year. She had to work 2 sometimes 3 jobs to support her and my brother Javier. That didn’t stop until she met Octavius, my dad.

She became a housewife because she didn’t have to work since my dad was a millionaire but she was happy to stay home with us.

She then had 2 other kids my younger sister Jacqueline (Everyone calls her Jax) and Me (Jasper). My dad paid for college but I created my bakery by myself.

I was really excited about opening my bakery with my best friend, Audrey, she is the person who helped me through the whole process. From letting me rant to her about my job to complaining about my abusive boyfriend.

Audrey and I met in college in my history class, she kept me awake in that class she was also one of those people you automatically click with.

She always found a way to make me laugh and she continues to always push me to get out of my comfort zone and do things I really don’t want to do.

Like going skydiving, backpacking through Europe and things like that. Audrey is also the 1st person I told I was gay. Since then she has been trying to set me up with any guy she finds out is gay (And she actually goes up to the guy and flirts when him to see if he plays for the other side).

I did fall in love with this one guy but it didn’t end well for us. He cheated on me with another guy so I broke up with him and now he won’t stop following me and sending me gifts that is why I decided to move to another city.

This really pushed me to have the guts to do it on my own he would always either hit or slap me to get me to do whatever he wanted me to do.

For example: He wanted me to quit my job, and when I said no he bought the store and told the owner to fire me.

I didn’t mention his name was Lucian and he was the CEO of Lucian Enterprises.   

Back at the Bakery

Whew the 1st day was stressful but was a success so Audrey dragged me to one of our favorite clubs “Electricz”. After Audrey and I both get drunk and we have had at least 3 drinks we are talking and laughing then I feel someone watching me. I look across the bar and that is when I saw him. He is the definition of tall, dark, and handsome.

When we make eye contact I swear it’s like the whole room just freezes when in reality it couldn’t have been more than a couple of seconds.

I blush then quickly look away but not before I see him smirk at me. I think to myself why is this handsome man looking at me.

I mean I know i’m not ugly as Audrey adamantly tells me but a guy like that probably have men and women fawning over him.

When Audrey realizes I’m not listening she snaps her fingers in front of my face and asks what is wrong. I tell her, “Nothing” but she looks behind me and smiles. I ask her what is she smiling at, she says ”Someone is coming towards you.”

I don’t look back fearing it was the guy who was staring at me from across the bar, and sure enough there he was in all his dark handsomeness. When he walks up to me he just bends down to my ear and whispers “Hello”.

Francisco’s P.O.V.

I have had a rough day Lucian from Lucian Enterprises are my families rival company, and I have to make a deal with him. I keep my usual calm and collected face on the outside while inside I just want to rip his guts out especially after what he did.

As the meeting ends I rush to my office, I’m so thankful I decided to put my office on the top floor of Black Wood Technologies. It is a family owned company that my parents have built from the ground up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

After the long and stressful day I decided to go to a bar where no one will recognize me with my friend Giovanni. I just want to get laid to relieve the stress of the day.

Giovanni and I have been friends since middle school he was the kid that would always get us in trouble and of course that got us into more trouble at home. As well as being my best friend he is also my beta wolf (2nd right hand man)

Back to the present

I’m sitting in a booth across from the bar when I smell him. It’s scent is intoxicating like a mix of vanilla and something else, and no it isn’t weird because i’m a wolf which means I have a strong sense of smell.

I’m actually the alpha of my pack and need a mate. My mom bugs me about it and says that she wants grandchildren.

I think I have just found my mate, but he doesn’t even know it yet but he is mine.

I guess he senses me too because he turns around and I look into those green eyes of his and i’m transfixed. He quickly looks away but not before I could see him blush.

I tell Giovanni i’m going to get a drink at the bar and he just says “It’s all cool dude I’m going to the dance floor”.

As I make my way over to this guy the person next to him, I’m hoping is just a friend smiles at me. I see him tense up when all I say is “Hello” that’s when he turns around.

Jaspers’ P.O.V.

That one word makes me turn around and look up into those green eyes of his. Audrey whispers “He is hot” and she basically yells “I’m going to the dance floor don’t do anything I wouldn’t do”, she winked at me before she left.

Mr. Handsome looks down at me I’m guessing he is about 6'4'’ compared to my 5'10’ height he towers over me. The club lights makes jet black hair shine. That olive skin would look good against my light complection.

Francisco’s P.O.V.

Man, up close this man looks even more beautiful if that is even possible. He has the most interesting eyes green with specks of gold in them I swear I could stare at them forever. He has golden blonde hair which shines in the club lights.

I snap out of my gaze and introduce myself not saying my last name in case he may know of it. For some reason I don’t want him to know it weird I guess it has something to do with the whole mate thing and him liking me for me.

I swear I’m not usually one of those people who shows my emotions but he just makes me feel so out of character.

He tells me his name is Jasper with such a soft angelic voice. I say “Jasper you are absolutely the most beautiful man I have ever seen,'' he blushes. I wonder what else I can say to make him blush.

We start talking about his family saying he has an older brother Javier, and younger sister Jaqueline. I ask him what he does as a job, and I find out that he just opened up his own business a bakery

“Jaspers Delightful Desserts”. That is why he is here, celebrating his opening with his friend who he tells me is, Audrey.

I tell him I will drop by his bakery one day. I look at my watch and oh my goodness it’s 1:17 a.m. I ask him if he wants a ride home and he says yes.

We pull up to his condo building, and we both just look at each other. Before he left we exchange phone numbers and I tell him “You can call me anytime day or night.'' What is wrong with me I never give my number out. Oh well I guess that's what love does to you.

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