Chapter 10- I'm pregnant

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Jasper's P.O.V.

I just came from the doctor’s office and the doctor gave me the results of the paternity test and I can’t believe it. It’s Lucian’s baby, the guy who raped me continuously a couple of weeks ago. I can’t tell anyone because he said he would hurt Francisco if I did. Can I pass the baby off as Francisco. I know one thing I have to tell Lucian that I’m pregnant and it’s his.

I can’t do this by myself, that means I have to tell someone that means I have to tell Audrey. She is going to hate me I just know it. I go over to her house to tell her everything I hope Lucian doesn’t find out.

Audrey and I sit down on her couch and I tell her everything from how I went over Lucian’s house to persuade him to go through with the deal with Francisco’s company.To how I had to lie to her and Francisco about where I was for the weekend because he threatened Francisco’s life.

She asks, “What actually happened that weekend”. I tell her, “He raped me continuously over the weekend, he drugged me and beat me when I didn't follow his rules.

When I tried to escape he knocked me out by biting my neckand put me in some type of dungeon”. While I tell her all of this she starts crying. She asks me, “Why didn’t you go to the cops or tell me or Francisco, he could’ve done something about it.'' I tell her, “I have been feeling sick lately and I started having these weird cravings”.

Her eyes widen, I nod my head yes, “I’m pregnant”.

She takes a moment to take a breath and asks me, “Who’s child is it, is it Lucian’s”. I nod so Audrey hugs me and when we pull apart she asks me a lot of questions like,

Are you going to tell Lucian?

Are you going to tell Francisco’s it is his baby?

I tell her that is why I asked her if I could come over. I needed a second opinion. She says I should just tell Francisco the truth, that I was taken advantage of, and I’m pregnant with the rapist’s baby.

I nod my head telling her I would do that but think I can’t tell him what actually happened, I have to lie and tell him it is his.

Francisco’s P.O.V.

I come home late and I can sense that something is going on with my baby, I look for him and find him in the living room pacing back and forth whispering to himself. He looked up at me and gives me a forced smile. I pull him to sit on my lap and sit on the couch.

I asked him, “What is wrong? Don’t lie to me” he nods, takes a deep breath and whispers “I’m Pregnant”.

He looked up at me probably expecting me to be mad but I’m the total opposite I’m so happy.

I say, “Jasper, baby I’m so happy don’t look so sad. Is that why you have been throwing up, and having these weird cravings”. He nods his head and says, “I didn’t think that was possible until he told me you were a shifter, I just didn’t know men could get pregnant”.

I frown, who told you? He looks up at me scared and tells me, “When Lucian took me he showed me his true form, and told me you were one too, why did you never tell me?

I had to hear it from someone. '' I look up at him and he’s crying, I’m speechless, he gets up from my lap and walks to our bedroom, crying.

After a few minutes I go into our bedroom to find him asleep. I get undressed just into my boxers, and whisper, “Honey I thought you would be upset and leave me”.

I will have to tell him that in the morning, (not knowing he wasn’t really asleep and he heard everything I said). I wake up in the morning watching Jasper as he sleeps, I just look at him and caress his face for a few moments. I get snapped from the moment with a phone call from the one and only Lucian.

I quickly get dressed and go to my home office to talk. He says, “I have reconsidered our deal and I think you should come over so we can sign the papers”. I agree and tell him I will be there in 20 minutes.

I arrive to his house and the door is opened by one of his maids. She tells me to just wait here. I again wait in the foyer and I see him come down the staircase with a big grin on his face.

I find it weird since he is losing money from this deal but he says he got a little incentive to move on with this deal.

I tell him we need to hurry up with this deal, he asks why the rush. I guess there is no reason not to tell him, so I tell him Jasper is 3 months pregnant.

The grin slips away from his face and so does the color from his face. What’s wrong with his face? Why is he so taken aback? He tells me we should hurry this along.

I leave his house kind of confused why he was shocked Jasper was pregnant. He is a wolf and knows men can get pregnant. I brush it off because I have to talk to my baby.

I get home and Jasper is waiting for me in the kitchen. I smile at him and tell him what I said last night that I thought he would leave me when I thought he was asleep. He tells me he wasn’t asleep and he pretended he was because he didn’t know what to say to me. He says, “I wouldn’t have left you Francisco, I get it, we all have our secrets to protect the ones we love”. He has a far away look in his eyes. He sees that I am about to ask something else but before I can he kisses me so hard I know my lips will be red when we pull apart.

I think pregnancy makes him really horny, no problems here I pick him up and put him on the counter. He smiles against my lips, and says, “You really love to pick me up”. I pull back and say, “I just love holding this ass of yours, or should I say my ass since you belong to me”, He smiles and replies are you going to fuck me or are you just going to keep talking”. I smile and pull down his pants and boxers down in one quick motion. I also pull my dress pants and boxers down till they reach my knees. I push all the way in his asshole in one swift motion, and he shouts my name, I love hearing it come out of that mouth of his. I push in and out slowly then pick up pace until we both our moaning. He shouts that he is going to come, I say come with me baby.

After we clean ourselves up we eat dinner and talk about the baby where he or she is going to sleep, how we are going to decorate it, and names for it whether it is a boy or girl. We finish eating and then head to the bedroom to sleep.

What do you guys want the baby names to be for the baby boy or baby girl?

What do you think Lucian is going to do since he found out about Jasper’s pregnancy?

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