Chapter 12- My punishment

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Jasper’s P.O.V.

I wake up in a weird place that is not the hospital, what the fuck. I try to remember what happened, I was driving somewhere and I was in a car accident ... then someone dragged me into their car….. I thought….. I thought I was going to the hospital.

I freak out because I can’t talk because there was a tube in mouth and I'm handcuffed to the bedpost. I try to pull against them but it just bites into my skin, making it red.

I hear footsteps and in comes a doctor who checks me out and takes the tube out thankfully. I ask him, “Can I get a drink of water, and how long have I been here, “ he says, “Sir you have been out for 5 days, and don’t move too much because your stitches still need to heal.

I have to leave now and tell him you are awake”. I cringe when I see who he went to tell and it's him who comes in the door. its Lucian.

“I knew you wouldn’t abort the baby so I sent one of my men to hit you with a car, but he almost killed you in the process which was not apart of the plan so I had to deal with him” Lucian says.

I ask. "Why do you keep pestering me" Lucian caresses my face and I turn away.

He grabs my chin and looks directly into my eyes and says something that breaks my heart.

He says “Jasper you had internal bleeding because there was a shard of glass that was lodged into your abdomen. They had to do a c-section and they tried to try to save the baby but it was too late the baby died.”

I sob but think Francisco will come save me from this son of a bitch, like he can hear my thoughts he says, “Francisco won’t be coming for you because I showed him the video of us having sex and it wasn’t his baby but mine.”

I look at him shocked and I almost stopped breathing if Francisco isn’t coming for me how am I going to get away?

Lucian says, “When you heal up I have plans for you”. I cried myself to sleep that night, I lost my baby and i’m stuck here until God knows how long.

2 weeks later

I’m fully healed now, so that means Lucian can act out all the “Plans” he has for me. I’m terrified I start crying and that is when he comes into the room.

“Don’t cry or try to fight me Jasper, you won’t win.” He gets on top of the bed and says since I’m fully healed he can do anything to me like, have sex. Is that all he thinks about, and why does it have to be with me.

I plead with him and tell him not to do it, he just puts his hand over my mouth and puts his body over mine. I can feel his erection on my thigh through his pants.

I begged him to please, please stop but it seems to spur him on. So I try to knee him where the sun doesn’t shine. He backs away holding it and that is when I make a run for it, but the doors are locked, of course the doors are locked my inner thoughts tell me. I turned around to see him fuming and naked. When did he do that?

He throws me onto the bed so I’m on my back blanketing his body over me so I can’t move. I shivered as I felt his hot breath on my neck. He moved down my body where he licked my nipples, and then bit them until there was blood. I tried to move my body away from him.

He got tired of me I guess because he left the room, I let out a relieved sigh. Until he comes back with a needle, I twist and turn but he pushes me down and injects it into my arm.

He says, “I'm getting annoyed with you fighting me, so this will keep you awake but you won’t be able to move.” He chuckles. Who just has a needle in their house that isn’t normal. He puts on a condom, he says, “Can’t have you getting pregnant again, Now can I?”, He does his evil cheshire cat grin.

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