" Mmf! Oof!"
Those were the only words that came out from my mouth as I was rolling downwards from the hill. And to think I was so happy that I managed to get out.
Rocks and a few trunks dealt much pain to my body as it was colliding with them while my world was spinning. It was all that I could see as all of my attempts to dodge them ended up in failure. My body couldn't take much more of a beating, I was a skinny boy to begin with.
It all stopped when I fell to the lowest part of the hill. My body rolled twice before it finally stopped spinning around just before I was about to hit a jagged rock right in the face.
I think I passed out for a couple of hours. I couldn't really tell cause my watch and phone were broken. When I woke up, the first thought that came to my mind was ' Am I alive? ' . I was face down in the dirt, barely breathing with only my watch in sight. I placed both my hands on the ground and pushed to make my body stand.
Ouch. I think I have a broken bone somewhere. Two, maybe three. I couldn't tell where because my whole body was hurting like hell. My face was throbbing and my vision was blurred. Everything was in slow motion.
I opened my palms and stared at them, trying to count my fingers. I saw it once in a movie that they make people count fingers when they get hit with something hard to see if their brains are still functioning right.
" One . .two. .four. .five. . .eight . .eleven.."
That doesn't sound right.
After a few seconds of trying to regain my self, I managed to muster the strength to stand up. That was when I started to question myself where the heck I was. I saw something glimmer in the distance past the trees. My eyesight was still blurry and everything was still spinning so I couldn't really make out what it was.
My stomach growled again. It reminded me how hungry I was. Great, no cellphone, no watch, a broken bone or two, and now my body's failing me. Just how bad could things get? I never wanted to come here in the first place. I wish I never came. I wish I was at home watching tv or playing my old PSP. I wish this was all just a dream.Someone wake me up!
GNow that I think about it, I still haven't returned the apparatuses to the lab. Their still in my ba-
Where did my bag go? When did I lose it? That isn't even right. I should have noticed it if it fell or got ripped or whatever. It took me forever to get those replacements!
I felt like exploding. I wish this would all just end.
A spent a few minutes having the same thoughts running through my head until I finally cooled down. It won't do me any better to stand here and complain. I needed to get some help in my condition.
The moon was still shining bright. I was thankful for that. If it didn't light up the place I'd probably lose hope of ever coming out.
My vision improved and I could finally make out what that glimmer was. The moon reflected on the river making it look like there were 2 moons. Well, if you were in my situation, anything like that would seem like paradise if you went through something as crazy as I did.
It was flowing gently and peacefully. It took my breath away along with the pain.
"Ugh. . .", I said as I placed my hand over my shoulder. The pain was back again.
I limped my way to the river in hopes of satisfying a thirst that I never knew I had. With every step I take with the other leg ,I could feel pain as sharp as a knife. It made me wince but I kept on going. Just one sip. That's all I need.

Animan(on hold)
Science FictionIn an alternate universe set in the present Philippine Archipelago, a young man named Christian accidentally sets humanoid beasts free upon stumbling in a forbidden hill in their school. Becoming a beast himself, he struggles to find a cure while tr...