Best friends and open roads.

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The drive to the hotel where the boys were staying was quiet. Neither of us really knew what to say or do. We walked into the lobby and to the elevator shafts. Once inside he turned to me, "I'll drop you off at my room then go talk to the guys, okay?" I nodded, "Alright." We walked up to his door and he scanned his key. He handed me my bag and kissed my cheek, "I'll be right back" He walked off down the hall and I went inside the room. It was a really nice suite and I was quite impressed that just Harry stayed here all alone. After a few minutes he was back with a huge smile on his face. "They love the idea of you coming on tour with us!" He said grabbing me and pulling me off the couch. I smiled, "Really?" He nodded, "Oh Ellie, I'm so excited" He said spinning me in a circle. He pulled me against him and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "Just you and me" he said softly. I smiled, "I'm okay with that" I say, laying my head on his shoulder. "I love you Ellie" He said stroking my hair. "I love you too" I pulled away, "What time are we leaving tomorrow?" I ask. "Uh, around Six am" He said with a slight laugh. "Wow, okay" He smiled, "You, me, my best friends, and the open road" he said kissing me once again on the lips. "I'm going to get a shower" He said taking off his shirt. I stood there and admired him for a second before I nodded my head. "Okay. I'm gonna get some sleep" I said crawling into bed. He went into the bathroom and I curled up under the warm blankets. The bed was so big and soft and welcoming. I soon felt myself drifting off. I woke up the next morning wrapped in Harry's arms. I smiled a little and cuddled into his warmth more. "Good morning" He mumbled. Oh hell his morning voice was sexy. "Morning" I replied. He kissed the top of my head softly, "You sleep alright?" he asked. I nodded, "Mhm" He chuckled, "You're so cute" and with that he sat up. I looked at him, his sleepy eyes, tousled hair and crooked grin. "Ready to go soon?" he asked. I looked at the clock, 5am. I sat up, "Yeah, I'll get showered before we go" I said getting out of bed. I got some clothes and went into the bathroom. I set the water temperature and stepped in. The water felt good against my skin. I stayed in there for a bit before getting out. I slipped into my bra and panties. I was reaching for my shirt when there was a tap on the door, "Babe, can I come in?" Harry said. "Yeah" I said back. He opened the door and stepped inside, He stared at me a moment before walking over to the sink. He started brushing his teeth and I caught his eye in the mirror, he gave me a playful wink and I blushed. He finished up and packed all his bathroom supplies. "The boys will be meeting us in the lobby in ten minutes" He said before kissing my forehead and going into the bedroom.

Harry held my hand as the elevator dinged and the doors opened. We walked into the lobby where the boys were by a side exit. "Hey guys" Niall said when he caught sight of us. "Hey" Harry said. "Guys, this is Ellie" Harry said introducing me to them. "Hello Ellie, lovely to meet you" Liam said shaking my hand lightly. "Nice to meet you too" I blushed a little then spoke up, "I'm sorry for intruding on your tour lives bu-" Louis held up a hand and cut me off, "Harry explained everything babe, no need to worry. Tour is going to be fun. You'll love it" he said with a bright smile. I smiled, "Well, thank you all" I said. "No problem" Niall said. "Alright boys, head out. Harry, keep a hand on Ellie at all times" Paul said. Harry took my hand and gave me a smile. Zayn opened the door and we went out. Screaming people were all around us. I looked at Harry and he just laughed before yelling "Welcome to the wonderful life of One Direction!" We made a beeline for the bus and got there just in time. Harry sunk into a chair and pulled me onto his lap. "Insanity right?" Zayn said, taking in the look on my face. I smiled, "A little more than I'm used to" I said. He laughed and patted my shoulder, "You'll get used to it babe, don't worry" I smiled. Harry pulled me into a hug and kissed my temple, "I think the boys love you already" he said. I smiled, "This is going to be amazing." He nodded. "It is."

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