Six flags.

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Harry and I were sitting at the table eating breakfast the next morning when my parents came downstairs. My Dad filled his travel mug with coffee and kissed my Mom goodbye before heading off to work. "So, what do you kids have planned for today?" She asked, sitting across from us. "I'm not sure yet" I said, standing and putting Harry and I's bowls in the sink. "I think you guys should do something fun" she said, taking a sip from her coffee. "Like what?" I asked, sitting back down at the table. She thought a moment, "Go to Six Flags! You loved amusement parks as a kid. It's an half an hour from" she said. Harry smiled and looked at me, "Yeah, let's go!" I huffed, "But... I'm scared of rollar coasters and" I looked at Harry, "Will you make me ride any?" He smiled, "Just one" I groaned and stood up, "I'll go get dressed"

I pulled my shirt over my head as Harry walked into the room. "I don't like rollar coasters" I said, sitting on the bed and pulling on my converse. He laughed and plopped down next to me, "You're still on that?" I laid back on the bed, "Yes. I'm actually horrified of them" He smiled, "C'mon, babe. Just one" I looked at him, "What if I get off and have to throw up?" He shrugged, "I'll hold your hair" I smiled despite myself and sat up, "Fine. But, just one" He sat up and smiled, "Deal" He leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to my cheek before standing up and extending his hand to me. I took it and stood up, fixing my shirt and looking at him. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded and we walked downstairs. "We'll be back later, Mom" I yelled to her in the living room. "Okay. You kids have fun" "We will, thanks" Harry said, pulling the front door closed behind us.

"We're gonna have a good time" Harry said, starting the car and pulling away from the curb. I smiled, "I haven't been to an amusement park in years" He smiled, "Why not?" I shrugged, "Just kinda... Grew out of it, I guess" He shot me a look, "Or you got tired of people forcing you on rides you hate" I laughed, "Yeah, could have been that too" The ride to Six Flags was full of Harry and I singing along to songs on the radio. Even the ones we hated. When we pulled into the parking lot I felt like I was twelve all over again. I got out of the car and held Harry's hand as we walked. When we reached the booth to buy our tickets I offered to pay but Harry quickly cut me off and handed the man our money. We said thanks, took our tickets, and entered the gates. Harry grabbed a park map and we sat on the bench. "What do you want to do first?" He asked, handing me the map. I looked it over and smiled when I saw we weren't far from the teacups. "Teacups!" I said, hopping up off the bench. Harry laughed, "Teacups?" I nodded, "If I have to get on a rollar coaster then you have to ride the teacups with me" He laughed and stood up, taking my hand. "Okay" he said, leading me in the direction of them.

Our day was going amazing. We rode rides, ate junk food, and took pictures with random fans who asked. I actually really loved meeting the boys' fans. Some of them had attitude but for the most part, they are really sweet. We were walking and I was on cloud nine. I was at my favourite amusement park with my boyfriend and it was awesome. "Okay. Moment of truth" Harry said, a smile on his face. I looked up and saw it in front of us and my heart dropped. Rollar coaster. I could already feel my palms getting sweaty and my heart beating fast. "It'll be over before you know it" he said, pulling me along to the line. I stood there trying my best to be brave but when we took our seats and the guy came by and checked our bar, I let out a small whimper only loud enough for Harry to hear. He chuckled, "It'll be fine, babe" I opened my mouth to shoot back a sarcastic comment but quickly shut it when the ride jolted forward. "Oh, fuck my life" I groaned. Harry took my hand and gave it a soft squeeze as we started up the first ramp. We could see the whole park from there and I was looking around, trying to be calm. I heard the telltale click and then we were flying down the drop. I let out a scream and closed my eyes tight. When we got back onto the flat part I looked to Harry who was laughing. We started up the next ramp but this time we didn't pause at the top, we went straight down.

By the time we got off the rollar coaster I was feeling worse then death. I walked down the ramp and to a bench. I plopped down and rested my forehead against my knuckles. Harry sat next to me, "That wasn't so bad, was it?" I glared at him, "It was dreadful" He smiled and glanced at his watch, "It's getting late. Are you ready to go?" I nodded and stood up, "Yep" He stood and took my hand. We walked out of the park and back to the car hand in hand with smiles on our faces. Once we were on the road home he spoke up, "Did you have fun today?" I shifted in my seat a bit to face him, "I had a great time" He smiled, showing off his adorable dimples, "I'm glad you did. I had a lot of fun too" I smiled and laid my head against the headrest, "I love you, Harry" He glanced at me quickly, "I love you too, Ellie" I sat there and looked at him a moment before letting my heavy lids flutter closed. I was exhausted after spending all day on the go. I heard a light chuckle and lazily opened my eyes, "What?" Harry just smiled and shook his head, "Nothing, darling. Go to sleep and I'll wake you when we get back to the house" I responded with a small grunt and let my eyes flutter closed once more.

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