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"I didn't make an offer" I said. Harry smirked and scooted closer to me before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me onto his lap. "Sounded like one to me" he murmured before kissing me. I shifted so I was straddling him and kissed him back. His hands slid to my lower back and he started rubbing circles there. I sighed against his lip and ran my fingers into his curls. He lips left mine and found my throat. "Harry" I mumbled. "Yes love?" He asked, pulling back a bit to look at me. I bit my lip and then shook my head, "Nothing" I kissed him again before there was a knock at the hotel door. I got off him and he went to answer. "We have interview, we gotta go" Niall said. "Aright" Harry said. He came over and kissed me quickly before leaving with Niall. I took a deep breath and pulled my phone out to call Eleanor. "Hello?" Her voice was cheerful on the other line. "Hey El, can I talk to you. It's important" "Sure, I'll be right there" She said before hanging up. A few minutes later and she came into our room. "Hey babe" She said shutting the door and coming to sit with me. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Eleanor... My period is three weeks late" I said, my voice quivering a bit. Her eyes widened a moment, "You guys didn't use protection?" I shook my head, "I'm on the pill. I mean, it could just be late  right?" I asked, searching for hope. "Absolutely. I think we should get you a test just in case though. Better safe than sorry" She said. I nodded, "I think I should tell Harry first though. I'm just nervous. What if he gets mad?" She took my hand, "If he gets mad you let me know. It takes two to make a baby love" She said. "Do you wanna get coffee and pick up a test?" I asked her. She nodded and stood, "Let's go" 

We walked out of starbucks and down the street to a drug store. We bought two different tests then went back to the hotel. When we got to my room Paul was outside. "You two were supposed to stay inside" he said, giving us strict looks. "Sorry, it was kind of important" I mumbled before going into the room. All the boys were watching a football game and chatting. I looked to Eleanor and she nodded. Harry finally saw me and smiled, "Hey babe" I gave him a small smile, "Can I talk to you alone a minute?" He looked worried and got up and followed me into the bedroom. I shut the door and sat the bag with the tests on the dresser. "Ellie, is everything okay?" He asked. I took a deep, unsteady breath. "Promise you won't yell" I said. He nodded, "I promise" I stood there a moment before saying anything else. "My period is three weeks late" I said. I met his eyes and he looked shocked. "Do you think you're pregnant?" He asked. "I don't know. Eleanor and I bought some tests so I'm gonna take them" He nodded "Okay". I felt a tear slip down my cheek and he quickly pulled me into his arms. "Shhh, no crying love. Whatever happens, we're in this together" I nodded and walked over and got one of the test. I went into the bathroom and did what I had to do. When I was finished I laid the stick on the sink and opened the door for Harry. "Three minutes and we'll know" I said. He pulled me against him and kissed the top of my head. It seemed like those few minutes were years. "It's time" he said. I pulled away and went over. I picked it up and breathed a sigh of utter relief. "I'm not pregnant!" I said, turning to face. I dropped the sticking into the trash bin and threw my arms around his neck. "I was so nervous" he said with a small laugh. I kissed him quickly, "So was I!" He licked his lips and ran a hand through his curls, "You should tell El" I nodded and we walked back into the living room area. "Safe" I mumbled, sitting next to her. She gave me a smile and patted my leg. "What's safe?" Louis asked. "Your Mom. Mind your business" Eleanor said, sticking her tongue out at him. He made a face at her and went back to the game. Harry gave me a small smile from across the room and I leaned against the couch and relaxed for the first time in what seemed like years.

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