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Sitting in the dark corner of this room, I placed my head against the wall and concentrated on my senses. I could feel the amount of overwhelming power of the nine clans flowing through my veins, causing an eerie symbolism of light to shine off my tattoos. The power of the Kuki overtook them all before the cold air that flooded the room became heavy and covered me like a shroud. The whites of my eyes took over my pupils while they started to glow, allowing the power to fill me while my chest moved up and down rapidly causing the pace in my heart sped up. For a moment, I felt myself running through the clouds above the Cosmos while my hands began to twirl in the air causing the thick atmosphere to gather around it.

It's been a long time since I was able to go for a run. I thought to myself as the tactics of my elders to suppress our powers entered my mind. I felt a sudden surge of energy beneath the power of the air burst into me, causing me to almost fall forward into the wall. The long lost force of the Chikyu attacked the remaining air energy as the two powers clashed like great warriors for dominance. Every power that flowed through my veins seemed to fight with the others, therefore, affecting the world around us and causing shifts in the balance of the realm.

Focus my hearing into my surroundings. I could hear the flickering of the trees outside my room, and the cold air that danced around me began to drop over my head like a rainfall. I wrapped my tails around my injured body as the temperature in the room got colder and colder when loud footsteps could be heard approaching from a distance. Clearing my mind and slowing my breathing caused the elements in my blood to calm as I twisted my hand to prevent outright chaos between them. I closed my eyes, consuming a fetal position, and let my pinned up locks hit the floor.

A loud thud on the hotel room door jolted my head into the air while two of my tails unwrapped themselves from my legs and stood in a position to attack. The descending air caused the distinctive cologne they were wearing to quickly give away their identity as their scents hit my nose.

"It's open." I softly spoke, hearing the door slightly open. I relaxed, causing the tails to curl back over my body and my head to fall onto my bushy tails once again. Only my eyes shifted downwards towards the door as I watched the two men come into the room and look over to the bed. I chuckled to myself as I relaxed more into my tails at the smell the fear radiating off the youngest one's body while he looked around the room trying to trace my whereabouts. The pounding of their hearts began to beat like dancing drums once they realized I was nowhere; they thought I should have been as they frantically searched with their eyes. Snuggling more into my corner, I could sense eyes on me, causing me to open my eyes and notice the pink-haired man's gaze on mine.

"I don't even know why you bother to hide. You stick out like a sore thumb with those creepy blue eyes of yours, but whatever. Why are you on the floor?" Jimin's raspy soft voice spoke out from the darkness while he turned his body towards me and crossed his arms. Jungkook cleared his throat while his gaze followed Jimin's before he sidestepped and made his way over to the light switch, flipping it on.

"And in the dark?" Jungkook added before walking back over to his friend's side and eyed the big blue bundle of fur covering my body.

"I wasn't hiding. I couldn't sleep on that bed, so I decided to do something I hadn't done in a long time." I remarked while I sat up from the floor, looking over their blank faces. "Meditating...I was meditating," I softly spoke, shaking my head at the boys while they looked at each other.

I glanced at them and brought myself to my feet, letting the tails fall around my frame unveiling my half-naked body. My half pinned locks tumbled around my shoulders catching their eyes until they drifted downwards at the sight of the soft pink bra and panty set. Their eyes grew wide at the sight of the lacey garments that revealed the body they desired while I turned away from them. I looked at my phone that lay on the dresser near the bed when I heard a weird sound bringing my gaze back to the boys. Jungkook nervously cleared something from his airway while looking down at my body before Jimin nudged him bringing his line of sight back to my annoyed face. I placed my arms around my chest and began to walk near the bed, letting my tails drag across the floor like a big blue train.

Star-Crossed (BTS OT7 FF) (21+) (4 Chapters left)Where stories live. Discover now