Feelings and Emotions

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Alright now hat everyone's moral is high this will be a perfect chance to start.

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama!

Naofumi: Whats wrong Raphtalia?

Raphtalia: I saw Asuna along with some KOB members heading this way.

Naofumi: It seems someone leaked the information, don't worry I'll talk to her.

Out of all the people why her, I guess this will be a good start to branch of from them and start to be independent players.

Naofumi: Hey there Asuna funny meeting you here.

Asuna: Yeah it would have been funnier if you hadn't gone behind my back and gathered people to take on the boss.

Naofumi: Im sorry but letting the boss kill all those people and distract it isn't going to fly with me.

Asuna: What this again, listen those NPC's aren't alive we are...



Naofumi: Listen we have a plan that might work I can't guarantee that someone isn't going to die but I'll try my hardest to not let that happen. I'll even give up my own life before I let that happen.

Asuna: If Heathcliff found out about this.

Naofumi: Im sorry, we have all made up our mind.

Asuna: If I can't change your mind then instead of watching maybe my sword can help you in this fight.

Naofumi: Thanks for understanding.

Asuna: This doesn't mean I forgive you for going behind my back.

Naofumi: Im sure we can win this and move to the next floor.

Now we can finally start this, we have everyone and not to mention Agil got me this awesome shield.

Naofumi: Alright everyone as you all know the GeoCrawler invincible head on thus making impossible to defeat, but thanks to my good friend Agil we have a fighting chance. With this Chain shield I have unlocked a very powerful skill that kill make the bosses stomach vulnerable to all attacks. Not only that but it will also make me defenseless during the battle so I will have my team of two guard me from enemies while everyone else kills the boss. Any questions?

Agil: Who will be the ones to protect you?

Naofumi: I have chosen Asuna and Kirito for this since they are really experienced in dealing with the wyverns that spawn in.

Raphtalia: But Master Naofumi I...

Naofumi: Its ok Raphtalia Kirito and Asuna will be more than enough, you will join everyone else and make sure to kill the boss soon.

Raphtalia: Alright, but if you need please call me immediately.

Naofumi: I will, Now everyone lets go.

Im not use to giving people orders nor having people depend on me but it can't be helped.

Agil: You don't mean to tell me that you are going to chain that thing down are you?

Naofumi: Well thanks to you this shield can be used for something else.

Agil: Now this I have to see.

Naofumi: Filo make sure you stick with Silica and help each other out that thing will still be able to attack you guys.

Filo: You got me and Silica are unstoppable.

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