A New Path

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I explained to everyone what Strea had told me, and everyone came to terms with it although i should keep this information from getting in the hands of Argo. Knowing how people feel about Kayaba, I'm thinking people will come to find Strea and kill her.

We all head to Floor 48 to discuss how to handle the situation.

Naofumi: For now lets keep Strea's identity to ourselves ok.

Everyone: Alright.

Naofumi: Hey Raphtalia, Silica how is you're guy's armor?

Raphtalia: Well we haven't had time to get maintenance done on our gear.

Silica: If I remember correctly Asuna said she knew a great blacksmith in this town. I think her name was Lisbeth.

Naofumi: A woman blacksmith huh, well if Asuna recommended her I'm sure she knows what she's doing.

Strea: Naofumi, Lisbeth's shop is that way about 5 minutes from here.

Naofumi: You know where it is?

Strea: I can access map data as well as many other things.

Naofumi: I guess you'll be useful then. Come on guys lets go.

Filo: Do yo think this Lisbeth person will have snacks?

Naofumi: Yeah if you are into rocks and other materials.

Filo: You didn't have to be mean Master.

Silica: Its ok Filo I always carry snacks with me for these types of occasions.

Naofumi: Don't eat too much or it will go straight to you're feathers.

Filo: (Gasp) can that really happen?!

Raphtalia: You Really shouldn't tease Filo like that Naofumi.

Naofumi: Hahaha sorry I just couldn't help it.

Strea: For people who come from a different world you sure don't seem to mind being stuck in this world.

Naofumi: Thats because I'm stuck in another world besides this one.

Strea: What do you mean?

Naofumi: It's a long story, I'll tell you later seems like we are here.

I knocked on the door for a while but no one answered, after a while Asuna came by.

Asuna: Lisbeth isn't here?

Naofumi: Seems like she's out on errands or something.

Asuna: (checks on Lisbeth's location) Thats weird I'm not getting anything. She's now answering my messages either.

Naofumi: Do you think shes stuck in a restricted area?

Silica: What's a restricted area?

Naofumi: Oh thats right you've never been in one. It's usually a trap but they call them restricted areas because once you are inside you cant leave until all enemies are defeated. You usually get surrounded by a lot of high level enemies, its easy for parties to get caught off guard.

Silica: Sounds like a death trap.

Naofumi: It is trust me. Average parties can be wiped out.

Asuna: So you are saying Lisbeth might be stuck in one of them?

Naofumi: It is a possibility, that or shes in a room or hidden labyrinth that's blocking her signal.

Asuna: We have to go find her.

Naofumi: How do you suppose we do that if we don't know where she is.

Asuna: We can't just leave her to die, we need to do something.

Strea: There might be a way i can find her.

Asuna: Who are you?

Strea: My name is Strea I just recently joined Naofumi's party, its nice to meet you.

Asuna: Yeah likewise, so how can we find her?

Strea: I can track her down if we are in the same floor as she is.

Naofumi: Is that one of you're skills?

Strea: Yeah thats how I was able to locate you without any issue.

Naofumi: I see, Asuna do you any place where Lisbeth might of gone off to?

Asuna: No not really, she never leaves her shop to go on quests...unless...

Naofumi: Unless what?

Asuna: Unless she took a request that required a master blacksmith to go with them.

Naofumi: So we are looking for a rare material for crafting a weapon?

Asuna: Yeah but theres many of quests for that.

Naofumi: Yeah but my guess only a few require a master blacksmith. I'll as argo if she knows anything, everyone else get ready to head out.

Strea: I wish I could tell you such information but its beyond my capabilities.

Naofumi: Its ok I don't expect a HCP (Health Counseling Program) to know about quests drops, don't worry.

Strea: Right...

Naofumi: Ok seems Argo managed to find something out, it cost me a fortune so lets hope shes right about this.

There's a popular quest on the town on floor
55, its said that you can obtain a rare item
from a dragon on that floors dungeon. Not
many players go there because it's said to be
a death trap and the boss being unbeatable.

Naofumi: Looks like we have a location lets go as quickly as possible.

Asuna: Yeah we don't want to be to late Lisbeth could be in trouble.

Silica: What ever we encounter I'm sure we can handle it right Pina and Filo?

Filo/Pina: Yeah!

Naofumi: Alright lets go.

Looks like we are going to be going up against a dragon this time, I'm not sure how hard this quest is supposed to be but I guess we will find out. We will be alright, we aren't alone anymore.

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