Chapter 1: On with the Plot... I think

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10 more years and I was 22. I had 3 scars on my leg cause of that Eel. Scars on my back that no other Grounder had from the Red Room

My notes include only these small facts

- I still have my memories
+ Abilities

-My literal Scars from my past life for being associated with HYDRA appeared more on my back as I grew up, right on the places they were before

-I still have the Necklace Natalia gave me. And It always returns to me whenever anyone takes it by my will, From me by force. Or just when it gets lost

-I get more memories of my days before HYDRA with more birthdays and Agings

I do think I have almost my whole past life pieced together

I walked downstairs at 2:18 A.M
And woke Flakes. He groaned waking up . I left him alone while I got my armor and Trained Red Room Lessons and Skills Hidden, In a cave

I lifted myself gracefully and did the routines I was forced to do in the Red Room, never once stopping or making a mistake.

I disguised myself with no props, changed my accent and my posture, My Clothes and My Style. My pickpocketing and My Assassin Wise of fighting. Everything I could to sharpen myself up

By the time I finished, I walked in our hut to see Summer yelping at Flake's attemp to cook as the Purple soup Boiled and Popped, Autumn Not-so-discreetly fawning over him

I nudged Flake out of the way "I'll handle cooking"

I checked my Watch- Which I made- "Or Summer can do it. Anyone but you Flakes, I need to Go train the younger warriors"

I dashed out of our hut. My Shoes making no sound as it Touches the land. A thing Assassins do Subconciously

I went in the Training grounds and Waited for my turn to battle Someone.

I just trained a few Moves while Waiting.

I was called to battle Anya for some reason

I nodded to her and she ignored me. Using a Stance at the start

I had a completely normal Stand as my stance

She moved towards me and jabbed her Wooden blade for my Stomach. I flipped it over and pointed my tip to hers. She kicked it up and aimed a Punch for my stomach. I caught her punch and twisted her wrist to flip her over my back making her let out a Grunt. I put her Hands twisted against her back and my knee pressing her down to the Ground

She flips us over with a One Handed Push up with her free hand, tipping me over and she twisted her hand to grip my wrists once my Guard loosened after being caught off-guard

I groaned

Our position had about 2 Words to describe it... in my perspective

Sexual and Uncomfortable

My knee was pressed close to her Private. Her face was close to mine. My arms pinned above my head and her hair acting as a curtain on me. My breath on her neck and hers on mine

I gulped once looking at anything but her piearcing gaze and Pretty face

I kneed her private and She went down. I pinned her two arms with mine and Was straddling her legs

She tapped the Ground twice signaling she gave up.

She got up and I dusted myself... A Skilled Grounder's Way of fighting is still unpredicatable for me, though not unbeatable. I nodded to her again. She walked back to the other trainees, Ignoring me, and Sparred. Same as I. A shiver went down my spine as The Cold Wind ruffled against my bare back Skin. and I was matched with other kids which I completely defeated and taught how to better

I stopped and Went back to my hut going to my Bed. I slumped down and Fell fast asleep within a second. When The Ground Rumbled as something slightly more than an earthquake. I knew what it meant. I Stood back up and ran. I dashed out to where They met their first Grounder. Summer, Flake and Autumn following. There they were. The 100. Jasper, Bellamy, Octavia, Finn, Monty and Clark. As I admired them and Smiled at how they were before knowing of us.. Octavia dove in the river. Then the Giant Water Eel
Octavia Escaped etc...

Flake shot an arrow thinking of them as Threat

I whipped my head around and Faced Flake
"Flake! What did you do?!" I whisper Yelled
"I-I dunno. I thought they were a threat"

I grabbed his Collar and Told him close "They are not a threat. Never shoot them agai- Wait... No, You're fine. You're fine. Shoot one again, But Miss this time" I Stated and let go of his collar. He did as told and The gang ran to their Camp

We walked back. Flake and Summer reporting the People they saw to His Training Leader or whatever, Indra, Who then Told Anya, Who told Heda Lexa

I was Practicing my Power with a Water Puddle and Flake saw me.


"So That's Why I have this power. Do not tell anyone, Or I will burn you" I Stated. He nodded "O-ok. Anyways

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