say sorry (1)

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3rd person POV:

Darryl snuck into class, barely sitting down at his seat before the bell rang. He sighed mentally, as he took his belongings out of his bag, ignoring his teacher's piercing gaze.
"Rough morning?"
Darryl groaned, turning around and glaring at his friend.
"What the hell do you think, Vincent?" Darryl spat. Vincent chuckled, popping a mint into his mouth as he eyed Darryl up and down. "You literally look like you got attacked, my guy." Vincent elaborated, as he scribbled down some notes. "Did you even attempt to look presentable today?"
"VERY funny, Vincent." Darryl spat as he swung his head back towards the teacher. "Its not my fault my stupid sister kept me up last night with her wailing."
[65 minutes later]
The bell rang, sending teens flying out into the halls. Darryl swung his bag onto one shoulder and kept his head low before attempting to make his way out of the maze of lockers.
He was inches towards the glass doors when he saw that familiar figure, and felt those familiar two hands shove him down onto the hard tile floor.
"Well if it isn't my favourite play toy."
Darryl snapped his head up, subconsciously rolling his eyes as he was met with his least favourite person.
Zak Carder
Zak has tormented Darryl for as long as he could remember. Every day, he would torment the poor boy as if he was some sort of punching bag. Darryl's mood would completely sink every time he caught a glimpse of him. It felt like a broken record.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Zak growled, raising an eyebrow at the poor boy, "I think you're forgetting something." Zac spat, his eyes burning right through Darryl with utter rage.
Darryl gulped.
"I- didn't do it. I have my own assignments too you kn-"
A loud thud thundered through the halls as Darryl's back slammed into the lockers.
"Say you're fucking sorry."
Darryl whimpered, avoiding eye contact.
"I said, say you're sorry, you pussy!"
Zac growled, grip tightening on Darryl's shirt.
"I'm- I'm sorry."
Darryl crashed down onto the tile floor as Zac let go of his shirt.
"You better be."

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