hatred (11)

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Darryl ran his fingers through his hair as he paced back and forth. Him and Vincent were sitting on the oval, and all he could do was complain about his current misfortune.
"She's so mean!" Darryl whined, "I told her that he hates me and she just told me to put up with it?!" Vincent sighed sadly. He was disappointed that he couldn't work with his friend. However, he felt more anger than anything. His friend's blabbers slowly started to fade out as he recalled the memory from earlier.

Vincent heard a crash from the bathroom. He was coming back from the office when he heard a pained yell and the sound of glass smashing from the men's restroom. He moved closer to the door and peaked inside. There, he saw Zak, with his eyes glossy. His cheeks were turning pink, and were stained with tears. His nose, slightly red.

However, Vincent couldn't ignore the broken glass that lay around him, and the blood that was oozing out of Zak's hand. He watched carefully as the boy closed his eyes, another tear slipping out and falling down his face, and onto the floor. Mixing in with the sticky red liquid that started to pool on the ground around him. Once it rolled down his cheek, more spilled out, and Zak let out a pained sob.

Vincent slowly paced over to Zak. Observing the shaking boy. He made sure to lightly touch his shoulder so he knew he wasn't alone. Zak peered at Vincent, his eyes showing shame and a tang of anger. "So, you're gonna go tell everyone about how pathetic I am, huh?" he chuckled, admiring the blood glistening on his hands. "I'm so fucking mad, dude." He continued, "I know he's your friend, but I fucking hate that faggot. Now, I have to work with him for the entire term. Do you understand how horrible that is for me?"  Zak spat, pure hatred and venom lacing his words. Vincent's worried glance shaped itself into a look of disgust.

"I'm not going to tell anyone, because I'm not a piece of shit like you. However, I'm not fucking helping you. Darryl doesn't deserve the bullshit you put him through," he growled, gritting his teeth, "I don't know why you take pleasure in ruining his life, but just know I will murder you if I find out you've done anything more to damage him. Both mentally and physically."

Vincent stared at Zak, spat at him, then left.

Oh how much Vincent hated how Zak treated Darryl. How the poor boy would run to him at lunch, his eyes glazed with tears. Every time Vincent has threatened to hurt Zak, Darryl would stop him, pleading for him to just leave it. So he would. Only to make sure Darryl didn't panic.

However, he never quite got his head around Zak's sudden mood swing. The way the helpless boy suddenly turned wicked gave Vincent chills.

"... And I just think that because the school was ignorant enough to not check for his allergies, we as a whole should not be punished!!" Darryl pouted, stomping his foot on the ground.

Vincent chuckled and nodded, fazing out of reality once again.

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