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She slumped down on her bed as she started listen to the song 'Hated by life itself' by Mafumafu, one of her favorite utaites. She admired how his voice perfectly fitted the different moods in the song, and how you could really feel the emotions just by listening.

They moved to japan a month ago, just in time for her to start university at the age of eighteen. Thankfully, one of her applications to a well known university had been accepted, which she was excited for at first. But once she actually started going, the stress and pressure go to her, which resulted to where she was now.

It was currently a chilly Saturday afternoon, she was curled up in the couch of her apartment's living room, blasting music through her headphones as she stared into the swaying cherry blossom tree outside her window.

Her parents bought an apartment for her since their house was miles away from the university she was going to. She told them it was okay for them to buy a small apartment, but they insisted on getting a bigger one. 

She was thankful but since she was currently the only living there, she couldn't help feeling lonely at times.

As she was close to the end of the song, she felt her stomach growl. groaning, she got up after taking the thick fluffy blanket off herself. After putting on her large baggy hoodie, a pair of sweatpants and then grabbing her wallet, she left her apartment to go to the nearby 7-11.

It was merely a five minute walk to the 7-11 before she arrived there. She stepped on the ground in front of door, making the door automatically open. She walked to the isle where the instant meals where stocked. Picking up her favorite ready to eat meal, she also grabbed a large bottle of apple juice. She made her way to the counter and lined up to the only costumer that was also in the establishment besides her.

She looked at him and immediately noticed that he had bleached, whitish-blond hair. Not only that, but he was also wearing a black mask that covered most of his face. 'He kinda looks like Mafumafu'. She thought to herself. 

But what happened next surprised her, although she kept the reaction someone would normally let out once they saw the person that they admired, her eyes widened at his voice.

"Thank you~" He thanked the cashier and picked up the things that he brought. 

'Wait a minute, No way. This can't be happening' She put her stuff down on the counter and the cashier started to punch them in. 

The mysterious individual turned to the girl that was beside him, and time seemed to stop for both of them. His eyes pierced through hers, and for a brief moment, the two were in their own world. She was the first one to snap out of the trance and lightly bowed, as to which he also returned. He left the store quickly, confused by his own behaviour.  

Once she looked back at the cashier, she had already punched the two items in. She took out her wallet and took out a close amount to what was on the little monitor that indicated the total of what she bought. She placed it on the small tray and continued to ponder in her own thoughts. 

'Is that really him? Oh my god, I let him see me like this!' She mentally face palmed because of her appearance. Under her eyes was dark bags that could be seen even from far away, and her clothes wasn't that good looking either. 

"Thank you, Please come again~" The cashier brought her out of her thoughts as she placed her change in the tray. 

"Thank you.." She bowed, picked up her things and quickly left the 7-11. 

"Holy crap.. Did I really see Mafu?" She whispered to herself as she made her way back to her apartment. 

She couldn't believe it, she saw Mafumafu in person! She was fangirling and at the same time crying inside. "Of all the times I see him, He sees me like this?" She frowns and lets out a cry. "How unlucky can I be?"

She arrived in her apartment and realized that it was messy. She sighs and placed her things on the table. "I guess I can clean for a bit before I eat. It's a Saturday after all." 

She cleaned and polished her floor, swept every crook and corner of her apartment and put all her things in the proper places. She buried herself in chores to take her mind of what happened to her at the Konbini. 

After an hour and a half, she was finally finished after throwing a week's worth of trash to the trash bin at the lowest level of her apartment.

"Now for my reward." She grinned and made her way to the food that she placed on the table. Opening the drawer she took a pair of chopsticks and after sitting down she started to dig in her food. She let out a hum of approval as she continued to eat, occasionally taking a sip from her apple juice. 

She put her phone flat on the table and scrolled through her twitter, Which was mostly just utaite's statuses. Looking through them she liked, retweeted, and commented on some. Then she came across a tweet she thought she would never see.


After contemplating whether to publish this or not, I finally got the balls to press the orange publish button.

Voting and Commenting would encourage me more! Thank you for reading! <3

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