Chapter Nine

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Mafu ran to the direction of her university, hoping to find her. He waited outside her campus in a small snack shop with a simple disguise for hours, until the gates were finally closed by the guards.

'Did she already leave?' He leaves the store after placing his money on the table to pay for his food that he ate as he was waiting.

It had already started to get dark, and he still had no idea where she could be. 'Maybe she already went home?' he thought.

He walked for a long while until it was already completely dark. He reached a park, and on one of the park's benches he saw a familiar figure.

As he approached the figure, he heard slurred words escaping from her mouth.

'Her voice kinda seems... familiar...'

When he was about a feet or two near her, the figure turned to him.

"Ohh?~ Mahu-saan? izdatyuu?"


She drunkly stands up from the bench, but considering that her sense of balance was practically inexistent, her attempt in standing up straight ended in her falling on her side.

Mafu, seeing his assumptions about who the person was, quickly ran to her. He kneeled beside her examined and her face.

'She's beet red??'

Ignoring her drunk giggles, he strained and pulled her up. And as he was helping her up he felt the layer of clothes she was wearing.

'She's wearing these kind of clothes in this weather? How long has she even been out in the open?'

She would most likely catch a cold at this point. It was freezing out and she was only wearing a hoddie with jeans. No coats or extra layers.

"Oohh It izyu.." (Y/N) attempted to push him away, but with her little strength she couldn't move Mafu an inch.

"What are you doing here??" He finally asked.

She only laughed as a reply.

"How much did you even drink??" She pointed at a bottle below the bench as an answer to his question. He turns his head to where she was pointing.

'What the hell? Even I can't handle half a bottle of that' He returns his attention to her condition. He places one of his hands on her forehead and felt that it was warm, too warm.

'She's already breaking down to a cold.' He removed his hand from her forehead and immediately took off his jaket to put over her.

Without asking anymore questions, he places one of his hand at the back of her knees and the other one on her back then sweeps her up.

"Whaaa?" Everything in her vision was spinning around, she couldn't even see his face, but she knew it was him.

When he picked her up, she felt her heart beat against her chest. She wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol, or if it was because of Mafu carrying her. Besides from her feeling nauseous, Her own body temperature was also confusing her.

A second she was cold, the next she was hot, then the next she was cold again.

She didn't know what she was feeling anymore, So she just let the darkness eat her up.


'Did she just pass out??' He felt her body go limp in his arms. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)?" Her unresponsiveness answer his question.

Her quickened his steps towards his apartment, where the others were currently hanging out.

After a few minutes or so, he arrived at the doorstep and used his foot to knock-kick the door, "Open up! It's me!" He urgently said, feeling impatient.

The one who opened the door was Urata, while Soraru and Amatsuki was on the couch playing on his xbox.

"Woah, what happened?" Urata's face held a confused and concerned face for the girl that his bestfriend was holding in his arms.

The Soraru and Amatsuki saw that he was carrying an unconscious (Y/N) and paused their game.

"Get some warm water and a face towel, please." He asked the two, and they quickly stood up from the couch to get the things that he asked for.

As they went to get what they were told, he carried (Y/N) to his bedroom. He carefully placed her down on the bed.

Urata was the first to arrive with a folded futon that he handed to Mafu. "Thank you."

He removed the jacket from under (Y/N) so that she could be more comfortable in her sleep. He felt her start to shiver, just from having the extra layer removed. So he wrapped her snugly with the futon.

Soon enough Soraru arrived with the bowl of steaming water, and Amatsuki with the cream colored face towel.

They placed it on the bedside table and looked at the unconscious girl laying in his bed. "Can you tell us what happened?" Soraru questioned.

He grabs the towel, submerges it in the water and wrings it, making it damp enough to place on her forehead. "I called her earlier this day to invite her to the celebration, but her voice was cracky and she sounded like she was crying, but she lied and told me that she had a cold."

Mafu paused and placed the warm cloth on her forehead. "Obviously, I knew that she was lying. So I went to wait for her at her university but I never saw her exit the gate. So I thought that she had already gone home, but on my way here, in the park just two blocks away I saw her drunk and..." He couldn't really say more, he just wanted to take care of her, now that she needed help more than ever.

From his explanation they could already piece together everything that happened.

"She'll stay here with us for the meantime, at least until the snow clears up."


Hey ya'll, Needed to updated just to tell you guys that I haven't died yet, so don't worry XD

The spreading of the virus is only getting worse and has spread further, so be safe out there! Don't go out of your houses unless needed to, always sanitise your hands, and take precautionary measures just to be safe. Watch your local news to stay updated about the happenings around you too, so you'll be able to plan ahead.

I'll also leave my ig here : @uni_riesthella

feel free to follow for future updates/sneakpeeks on my upcoming works :>

Love ya'll, stay safe everyone! 💜

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