Chapter One

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"Faster," I will my feet. I'm running from the biggest street bully around. I never bothered to ask his name. I dodge into a very narrow alcove. One to small for him to fit. I see him run past.

Oh, sorry. How rude, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Harry. Harry Potter. You're probably wondering why I am running away from someone.

Let me start at the beginning. The very beginning. Before I was even born.

Britian is at war. A wizard by the name of Voldemort was trying to take over and get rid of all muggles and muggleborns.

I bet you're wondering why I even know about any of this as it was long before I was born. Well, I have an eidetic memory. I remember everything. I remeber my parents telling me because I could never go outside. (I also had a teacher.) Well, anyway, on with the story.

There was word of a prophecy. A prophecy to end Voldemort. It spoke of a child being born at the end of July who would vanquish him. For this reason my parents went into hiding. I was due at the end of July. I happened to be one of two boys born at the end of the seventh month. The other being a Neville Longbottom, born mere hours before me.

Why'd he pick me, you ask?  No one really knows why. But he did, so now I'm famous just for being alive. No one, and I mean no one has ever survived the killing curse until Halloween of 1981. The day Voldemort came to our house. If we're hiding then how did Voldemort find us? I'll tell you.

Voldemort shows up and my dad yells at my mom to run up the stairs with me. That he'll stall him. Well, Voldemort kills Dad. He came up the stairs and tried to make my mother leave my crib, but she wouldn't. She died protecting me. Voldemort pointed his wand at me aand shouted the incantation. Oh Merlin did that hurt. It hurt more than anything in my whole life.

A different man showed up and when he found my mother he cried and cried. He said something about Voldemort making a promise not to hurt her. Then he left and I was alone again.

Uncle Sirius shows up not long after. When he sees me, he rushes over and picked me up. Uncle Sirius was so mad. He said that this was all Peter's fault. That he needed to catch a rat, but that he was taking me home.

Another man showed up, Hagrid, Sirius called him. Hagrid took me away from Sirius. We took the motorcycle  and I fell asleep as we drove through the air.

Next thing I know I'm waking up to a very shrill shriek. A very large whale-like man ambled over to see what was happening.

"Hold on Vernon, He's got a letter. Let's bring him in before the neighbors see." She picks me up and I realize I'm in a basket.

When I got a little older, just old enough to read, I was alone at the house one day and I found the letter.

Dear Vernon and Petunia Dursley,
This young fellow is, Harry. You're nephew. His parents were murdered last night and you're all the family he has left, being as his godfather was arrested for a seperate incident.

There are protections on the house as long as you house Harry. Should you not, the wards will fall.

You will also recieve a monthly stipend for the care of the child. I hope it will help greatly, being I know that you've got a little boy of your own to also raise.

When Harry turns eleven he will be given his Hogwarts acceptance letter.

Petunia as you know both his parents had magic. He has it too. He shall stay with you until he is eleven and then we will go from there.

I would hope that you'd treat him as your own. I am aware that the both of you are wary of magic, but help the boy. Don't try to force him to hide it, that'll make it worse, more reactive.

Yours Sincerely,

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

P. S. I didn't forget abou the issue with Dudley. I shall send an owl to check in on that as he begins to get older.

Yeah, so that's how this mess all started. Anyway, there's more.

When I was just tall enough to reach the stove with a small stepstool, I was forced to cook and clean whenever Vernon was around. When he'd leave for work and it was just me, Dudley and my aunt, she'd do the cooking and the cleaning. I'd get to play with Dudley. Uncle Vernon came home everyday at six pm. Aunt Petunia would tell him that I did all my chores to perfection. If he found dirt anywhere, the results weren't pretty. Aunt Petunia always tried to make him stop. I could always see the fear in her eyes. I knew that he hit her too.

Three years later, I was nearly eight, Uncle Vernon told me that we're going on a family vacation. This was two days after I found that letter. Aunt Petunia looked very confused. I knew it was a trap.

After he left for work, Dudley went upstairs to go back to bed. He said he's not feeling well.

By this time, I've realized that I can see magic. And Dudley has magic, but he can't use it. It's making him sick.

"Aunt Petunia?"


"Can I talk to you about something?" I was so scared. This was just too important.

"Of course you can, sweetheart. Vernon isn't here." We both sigh in relief.

"Well I saw that letter a couple days ago. I saw it when Vernon had me cleaning in your room." She becomes extremely pale.

She sits down. "I see."

"Did that man do something to Dudley?"

Petunia becomes even more pale. She seemed very surprised. "Obviously she had no idea what's going on?"

"What?" She asks weakly.

"Dudley has magic. But something is wrong. He can't use it. There is a lot of magic and it's making him sick."

"Oh my," she exclaims. "Harry?"


"I have a very bad feeling about this 'vacation'."

"Me too, Aunt Petunia."

"I think Vernon is going to get rid of you," she says softly. So softly that I almost don't hear her.

"How? When?" She gives me a look.

"Oh," is all I manage as realization sets in.

"Well, let's play along. I'm so sorry, Harry. If my guess is correct then I'll leave him. I'll take Dudley with me and then we'll find you. I want you to live with me and Dudders."

"I do, too."

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