Chapter Two

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That's why I'm on the streets. I haven't gotten word of my aunt yet. I'm unsure if she's still looking, but then again two and a half years ago there was a language barrier. I was abandoned in France. I think the cops have given up and I haven't seen any flyers....

I start heading back to the orphanage that I've been staying at.

"Après-midi, mademoiselle," I great the matron.

"Après-midi, Harry," she replies.

"Je ne mangera pas ce soir," I inform her.

"Très bien alors," she answered.
Oh sorry again. Many of you probably don't speak French.

I greeted the matron saying, 'Afternoon, miss'. And she replied with the same. I then informed her that I would not be eating supper.

Anyway back to the story of how I got here.

The muggle police found me on the streets sometime later.

"Où sont tes parents?"
Where are your parents?

"Qual âge avez-vous?"
How old are you?

"D'où êtes-vous?"
Where are you from?

"Parlez-vous Français?"
Do you speak any French?

"Prenons le a l'orphelinat."
Let's take him to the orphanage.

One of the muggle cops put me in his car. The other officer follow us there. We stop at a run-down building.

A woman opens the door. The cops direct me inside and want to ask me more questions.

"Comment vons appellez-vous?"

The girl that opened the door the spoke, "What is your name?" She's an American but she translates.

"The cop would like to know your name," she says getting my attention.

"Harry. My name is Harry."

She turns back to the cops. "Il s'appelle Harry."

"D'où êtes-vous?"
"Where are you from?"
"I'm from England."
"Il est d'Angleterre."

"Où sont tes parents?"
"Where are your parents?"
"My uncle left me here."
"Son oncle l'a laissé ici."

"Quel âge avez-vous?"
"How old are you?"
"Il a sept ans."

The muggles thanked the American and left.

"I'm going to bring you to your room. Then I will teach you French. Come with me."

I followed her. When we get to the room she closes the door behind us.

"Harry? I have a question for you. One that could not be asked in front of anyone?"


"Do you believe in magic?"

"What kind of magic?"

"I think you know, Harry."

"Not the trick kind then, I suppose."

"Yes, not that kind, Harry."

"My uncle says magic doesn't exist but my Aunt said it's real. Aunt Petunia told me about magic."

"Well, I'm gonna teach you how to control your magic. It's very strong. I could feel it when you pulled up. What is your surname?"

"Its Potter," I mumble.

"Excuse me? I didnt quite hear you."

"It's Potter."

"We'll do what we can to keep your surname off papers. It won't do to have people chasing you."

"I understand. Will I ever get to see my aunt and cousin again?"

"But your uncle-?"

"Yes," I cut her off, "he left me here but my Aunt wanted me. And Dudley is sick because he can't use his magic. It's been locked." I start to panic.

"Who did this, Harry?"


"Albus Dumbledore?"

"The very same."

"We'll have to contact the British magical authorities. Aurors."

"I know what they are. My dad was an auror; before we hid."

"Do you remember them? Your parents?"

"Yes. I have an eidetic memory."

The next few months flew by with talks of magic and French lessons. She also taught be about Wizarding politics and ettiquette.

During a lesson she told me to never tell anyone my surname unless I trust them wholly.

Eventually Miss Tam (I learned to be her name) had to go back to America.

I still haven't told you how I ended up being chased. Well this is how.

One day I was out for a walk around the streets and some kid saw me and approached me. When he asked my name I replied with 'Harry'. He asked my surname and I said that I didn't have one. He proceeded to mock me. I punched him square in the face. He's been chasing me ever since.

Well, I've finally caught you up.

My letter should be arriving soon. My birthday is coming up at the end of the month.

Abandoned in France, Found in EnglandWhere stories live. Discover now