Chapter Three

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On the day of my birthday, three things happened. I recieve two owls and a professor.

I'm sitting at breakfast, when two owl come flying in. This is NOT unusual around here, being as both magical and muggle children live here. So I wasn't the only person with an owl but I am the only one with two.

Tommy, a second year, feeds the owls as I remove the letters.

We both grin when one is the Hogwarts letter. I hope to be in Slytherin, like Tommy.

The next was a mystery but the handwriting is familiar enough. Dudley.

Hiya, Harry,

Mum and I have been searching for you all over England. Where are you? We've searched all over muggle and magical Britian.

Harry, Dad is no longer around. Hasn't been since a month since you've been gone. Mum and I were almost homeless trying to find you.

When will you be home? Did you get your letter yet? Mine came a few weeks ago. Mum has been telling me all about magic. She says you can see magic, is it true?

The owl is mine. Mum bought him for me when I got my letter. We've already been to Diagon Alley for school shopping. His name is Tawny. like Tunie but not really I guess.

Please don't be mad at Dumbledore. He didn't mean to block so much of my magic. so no being mad because he made it better again. Apparently Dad said that he'd kill you himself if my magic wasn't hidden.

Eveything is better now. I've even lost some weight.

Now, please come home. I'll even give you all my toys if you come back home.

Can't wait to hear from you.

Dudley Dursely

I smile so big that I feel my face might split apart. They have been looking for me! I could squeal with delight.

I borrow a quill and parchment from Tommy so that I can respond.

Dear Dudley,

I have missed you too, and Aunt Petunia. I had started to think that you'd given up trying to find me or that Uncle Vernon got worse.

You won't find me in England. The muggles (sorry Aunt Petunia) left me at an orphanage here in France. They didn't even talk about returning me to England.

Your owl is beautiful and yes, I can see magic. Although, sometimes there is so much magic that I can't see much else.

Has Aunt Petunia shown you the wizarding bank, Gringotts? It's run completely by goblins. There is one here in France, too.

Please wait just a little longer. I'll make it home soon.

With Love
Harry Potter

I quickly tie the letter to Tawny's leg. "Take this to Dudley."

"Who is Dudley?" Tommy asks me in English as everyone at the orphanage speaks both English and French.

"He's my cousin from England."


Hey, I'm so sorry for the HUGE delay in updating. I have heard the complaints and so here is the next chapter. I will be posting the next chapter soon. A lot has happened in my life recently with moving, the viurus and sdome other things. But I am sort of back. Enjoy these updates.

Abandoned in France, Found in EnglandWhere stories live. Discover now