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Tonight I really think I hit it off with Zion but .... I really feel like Bulo is trying to compete with each other for a main spot in the boys life and that just ain't it. The mob is better than that BUT my manz is my manz and that's Zion periat! I think we all need to have a day out, JUST us, no boys, and no phones 📵 oop- BEEZY has done it again 😌

Bulo Mob 🌺⚡️

Me : Oop- BEEZY has an idea 💡

Annie : What might that be ? 🤔

Maddie : it better not be no bullshit

Me : Maddie shut yo ass up , sit back and enjoy the ride dammit

Maddie : are you going to make me ? I didn't think so sir


Maddie : we shall see my good Swiss 🤣😌

Me : AUNTYWAYYYSSS... I think we need to have a girls day !!

G : wtf you mean a "GiRlS dAy!!"??? I look up at her

Me : you know what nvm fuck y'all hoes

Sara : whoa whats wrong with her ? 🤔what did y'all do you her

Shay : she'll be fine

BEEZY : Fuck y'all fr 🖕🏼

I  close out of my messages and finish eating and I stare off into space irritated. Zion looks at me and says "Yo Lo ? You ok ?" I look at him and say it's whatever I'll be fine , I get up and go to the kitchen to throw away my trash. I go sick back down and think.

~ Nya's POV

     I go to my room and I take a long hot shower and I use this soap that smells like strawberries mmmm I smile to myself and hand my business and get out and dry off and I put on lotion and deodorant and I put my hair up in a messy bun and I put on this

     I go to my room and I take a long hot shower and I use this soap that smells like strawberries mmmm I smile to myself and hand my business and get out and dry off and I put on lotion and deodorant and I put my hair up in a messy bun and I put...

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I walk out to the kitchen and I feel eyes but I ignore them and keep walking towards the kitchen. I grab a water and I sit on the counter top looking down at my feet swinging... I hear "Brandon if you don't get your ass up and go talk to her right now I will drag you in there or we can leave 🤷🏽‍♀️" it sounds like it came from Edwin, I laugh to myself a little and walk out going back to my room smiling but not too hard. Once I get to my room I go on my phone and as I turn around to walk out to hang with everyone I bump into Brandon "omg I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" I look up and reassure him that its okay... his eyes brighten and he smiles at me and says "can I spend time with you alone ?" I look up at him and say of course love, I take his hand guiding him into my room, closing the door, but before I sit down Brandon pulls me into another hug.

~ Brandon's POV

     I purposely bump into her because I just don't know what to do or say , I feel so awkward around her... she brings out this corny side of me that never happens. What is she doing to me ? She takes me hand and we walk into her room and I get goosebumps to her touch.. she closes the door but before she sits down I pull her into another hug. 🤗 I just want to hold her close to me all night!! WTF B snap out of it I say to myself. She rubs my back and suddenly I become less tense "you can relax around me B, I'm okay. I do want to say thank you again for calling... I would have sat there all night not knowing what to do. I remember seeing you but at the time it was all such a blur. It wasn't until I seen you in M&G that I realized it was you" I pull away from the hug and she was hesitant at first but she lets go, I smile to myself. My phone lights up interrupting everything I roll my eyes and see it's Maggie .... oof- I forgot I had a date with her tonight 🤦🏽‍♀️ what do I do ? "Just go Arreaga" I hear her mumble "I never get picked first" as she walks past me, my heart literally breaks , I ache for her 🥺

~ Nya's POV

     Seeing that Brandon has a date with Maggie makes me feel some type of way but I brush it off and walk away leaving him standing in my room. I go sit in the living room, a blanket wrapped around me, with everyone having a good time. We all decided to play 21 questions just so the boys could get to know us better and vice versa. We chopped it up for hours. It's like we've known each other all our lives.

*** 5 hours later ***

   I wake up in an uncomfortable position... mmm I say with my hand on the side of my neck. I check my phone to see the time, my gosh I whisper. At this point everyone was asleep on the floor cuddling each other. They all looked so cute 🥰🥰🥰

Nick and Maddie in one corner

Lo and Zion with Sara cuddled into his back in another corner

Edwin and Annie in the middle (ahhh they're sooo cute 🥺♥️)

And the rest of the girls scattered everywhere else. I go grab blankets and pillows placing them softly underneath their heads.  I then put blankets over them all and walk to my room. Just as I was about to lay down I get a text from a random number that says "Please open the door"..... I think to myself uhhh who is this ? I just take a breath and go oh the door revealing Brandon. I sigh in relief and say it's 5 am , why are you out ? Have you been out all night ? I see a red hand print on his face and I say omg are you okay ? I pull him inside and I close the door, lock it, turn the security system on and I take him by the hand leading the way to my room. I take his hat off and I take his glasses off and I cut the light on noticing he's looking down. I put both hands on each side of his face softly lifting his head up to look at me.... keep your head up king 👑 are you okay ?
"I'm ok Ny, I'm just cold and a bit tired" he called me Ny...
I just go blank
That's what my dad used to call me. I look at him, then I go get some warm clothes for him and say the bathroom is there I point to the left side of my room handing him the clothes and laying down.

*** Next Morning ***

For the first time in the past few days I actually slept , I slept like a baby. I finally open my eyes and they come in contact with a bare chest.. I slowly look up, once I realize who it is I get goosebump. He's holding me like he doesn't want to let go and I just look at him as he sleeps.. it may seem weird but he looks comfortable, he looks good I smile lightly to myself . I go to look away and I hear...

"GoodMorning beautiful 💋"

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