04. Graduation

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Chapter Four | Graduation

"Pa!" Victoria exclaimed as she came dashing towards her family, elegant as always even in her heels, her gown already on and her cap in hand."You guys made it!" She said.

"Of course we did, we couldn't miss your graduation!" Charles said, hugging his daughter and kissing her on the cheek.

"I mean how many degrees are you going for?" Harry asked, as he hugged his little sister.

"Oh this is my last one. I promise." Victoria answered.

"The Queen is here!" Someone in the crowded hall shouted.

"She came?" Victoria asked.

"She wouldn't miss such an important day for you." William answered.

They all turned to see The Queen making her way towards them determinedly, ploughing her way through the rapidly filling hall.

"The smartest grandchild I have is graduating today and I would not miss this for the world." Granny said as Victoria curtsied to her then kissed her on the cheek.

"Thank you for coming, Granny." Victoria said.

"Today's ceremony is a time when the University recognises and celebrates the achievements of its graduates. It marks simultaneously the end of one chapter and the beginning of another – for the University, of course, but especially in the lives of our former students who are here today. It is also a special occasion for all those who have supported and encouraged our graduates during their time here in Oxford, and we are particularly pleased to be able to welcome their families and friends to our celebrations. For the collegiate University, this is a time when the students with whom we have worked closely for a number of years move on to the next stage of their careers. The skills they have developed in Oxford, the knowledge that they have gained and the contacts they have made will stand them in good stead. So although we say our farewells to many students at today's ceremony, we wish them every success with their chosen paths and look forward to maintaining a warm and close relationship with them in the years to come. I should like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of our graduates on their outstanding individual achievements." The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Andrew Hamilton said.

" The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Andrew Hamilton said

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"Victoria Wales."

The ceremony itself was long, dull and predictable, but it was more than made up for by the reception afterwards. The university had outdone themselves, with vast amounts of food and drink available wherever you turned.

The graduates themselves were outside, taking photographs, while their friends and family milled around indoors, eating canapes and sipping champagne.

"You did it, Vic." David said, as Victoria turned to face with a frown as he handed her a big bouquet of white roses.

"David, really?" Victoria asked as her family watched the two.

"I'm not giving up on you." David answered.

"Thank you for the roses, David." Victoria said as she walked away from him and her family, trying to not cry.

"You just won't give up." Kitty said as she stood in front of David.

"Kitty, this is not the time or place for this." Harry said as he grabbed her arm and pulled her away before she could do any damage to David.

"This is not over, Gandy." Kitty said.

"I think it is time we all left." The Queen said. "David, I would like to see you at the palace tomorrow at 12." She added before walking away.

British's Royal Family Attend Graduation of Princess Victoria From University of Oxford

The Prince of Wales congratulated his daughter after attending her graduation from the prestigious University of Oxford.

He attended the University of Oxford yesterday for the graduation ceremony of his only daughter Princess Victoria, 30.

The Prince of Wales also posted an image of Victoria to Instagram, congratulating her on graduating from the school.

He uploaded the photo with the caption: 'So proud to announce my daughter has graduated from University of Oxford with a doctorate of science. I'm so proud to introduce, Her Royal Highness, Princess Victoria, Dr. Wales."

Also in attendance at the ceremony were Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.

Princess Victoria is the only daughter and third child of Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales and Diana, Princess of Wales.

Victoria, an avid user of social media, has more than 20million followers on Instagram, 10million followers on Twitter and nearly 17million followers on Facebook.

She also has over 30million subscribers to her YouTube channel - a platform she uses to share her appearances and speeches at various international events.

She is the first senior royal to have a doctorate.

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