05. Victorias Bazaar

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Chapter Five | Victorias Bazaar

February of 2019

Princess Victoria : My Cultural Life

The Princess shares her guilty pleasure, her signature dance move and the invaluable advice Queen Elizabeth II gave her

"The piece of advice I'd give my younger self would be exactly the same advice I'd give to myself now, which is not to always feel like you have to be something, or try and hide what you are or how you're feeling," Princess Victoria of Wales tells us on the set of her Harper's Bazaar cover shoot. "Just try and be what you are and be brave about that."

Watch our video above in which she discusses everything from the book that changed her life to the invaluable piece of advice that Queen Elizabeth II gave her.


Princess Victoria attends breakfast on gender equality

Princess Victoria of Wales has attended a breakfast meeting on gender equality on Wednesday morning. The Princess of Wales was joined by, among others, Melinda Gates.

The Princess attended a breakfast meeting on female entrepreneurship, gender equality, new innovations and tomorrow's young leaders. The participants discussed how far the United Kingdom and the commonwealth has come with gender equality and female leadership.

The breakfast meeting was an initiative by "Global Challenge", an independent think tank that promotes sustainable development within social, economic and environmental dimensions. The meeting was part of their campaign "Girls November". The Princess of Wales was joined by interesting women such as Melinda Gates from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

One of the participants of the roundtable conversation, Anna Ryott said about the meeting afterwards: "Increased gender equality is good business, important for development and will help us reach the SDG's."


The Royal Family

The Duke of Edinburgh has officially handed over the Patronage of The Chartered Management Institute to Princess Victoria of Wales. 

This evening Princess Victoria will attend an event to celebrate the outstanding achievements of UK managers from across industry.


The Duke of Edinburgh was Patron of @cmi_managers - the professional body for management and leadership - from 1992.

During that time the Institute has led the debate on the future of management and leadership, the gender pay gap, and employee wellbeing and engagement.


Princess Victoria is an active supporter of UK industry, and Founder and Chair of the Women's Network Forum, an organisation which works to promote women's success in the workplace through best practice sharing and supporting those making gender equality a reality.

2/10/19 • 1h ago

"I cannot believe you made me come to this party." I told Kitty as she dragged me through the crowd.

"Hey, you put it on the bucket list so we're here to fulfill it." Kitty said.

"I guess." I said.

"Let's get this party started." Kitty said as she handed me a drink from someone who handed it to her.

After a few drinks and some small talk I drag Kitty out onto the dance floor where we dance like there's no tomorrow.

Then I feel someone appear behind me.

I turn my head to see David.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm here for you so let's dance." He answered.

I grind my hips against his and I could feel how hard he was as he leans down and kisses me. Our tongues mingle as we fought for dominance, his hands searching my body freely, same as mine on him.

"Let's get out of here." He said.

"Okay." I said.


I woke up the next morning to a pounding headache and several missed calls along with about twenty messages. I groan as I climb out of the bed, noticing that David was gone as well, and make my way to the bathroom to clean up.

I figure that if he didn't mind me staying last night then he wouldn't mind me using his shower, so I switch it on before climbing in. Making sure to thoroughly wash my hair and body before climbing back out.

I was so glad that I packed some make-up in my bag before I left to go to that party last night.

I exit the bathroom with nothing more than towel wrapped around my body. Just as I pick up my dress ready to slide it on, David comes in and quickly snatches it from me before slinging it across the room.

"I prefer you without clothing." David whispers into my ear before kissing my neck tenderly as I gently push him away.

"I enjoyed last night, believe me, but I need to get back home." I regretfully tell him, while I get dressed he does too.

My phone starts ringing. I picked it up to see Kitty calling me.

"Hello, Kitty." I answered the phone.

"I cannot believe you left with him!" Kitty exclaimed.

"I know." I said.

"Are you going home because Harry is at your place ready to lock you away forever." Kitty said.

"Yes, I'm going home now and what do you mean?" I asked.

"Umm...there's an article out." Kitty answered.

"Oh no." I said.

"Oh yes, and see you at the airport at 6." Kitty said.

"What number are we on the list?" I asked.

"Twelve." Kitty replied.


"I cannot believe we're doing this." Rachel said.

Earlier that day, the trio went dirt biking, but Kitty felt that it wasn't as much of an adrenaline rush as she'd like — now she wants to try skydiving. Victoria, scared, told Kitty and Rachel that she'd suit up, but there was no guarantee that she'd jump out of a plane. Anxious, Victoria sticks to her word.

She gets dressed and secured and is even attached to a man and sitting on his lap, seemingly ready to go. But, as Kitty and Rachel seems to grow more and more excited, Victoria tells everyone that she cannot do it. Still attached to the man, Victoria apologizes to everyone saying it's just not going to happen. While she does this, Kitty and Rachel soars through the open skies like a pro, with nothing to fear.

"Oh my God! I cannot believe they just did that." Victoria said as she backs away from the open door of the aircraft.

Trying to convince her, the man Victoria's attached to tells her that they'll just peek out of the plane to see Kitty and Rachel. Victoria agrees, and while on the edge of the plane, the man she's attached to tells her that he'll just count to three and then they'll jump. Victoria faintly agrees, and then she's off! Once airborne, Victoria smiles with the confidence. After touching down, Victoria, Rachel and Kitty congratulate one another, take pics in front of the plane, and feel as though they've got their thrill of the day.

"Now we've done thirteen things on the list. We have six more left." Rachel said.

"Great!" Victoria exclaimed.

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