Nap time

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I nod in response to Jin-Hyung who called me.

"Can you get me the dippers from the cabinet ." I nod and go to the cabinet where we always kept the dippers. I grab a dipper and head to where Jin-Hyung was. He was doing weird noises and making funny faces, distracting the baby he was changing and I guess it worked because the baby was laughing trying to grab Jin's face.

I hand him the dipper, he smiles at me and says a small 'thank you' before preceding to change the baby.

I go back to where I was, it was like a cafeteria but not exactly it. Their was small chairs for them to sit and small tables. They are about to wake up from nap time. Some were still sleeping while others were wide awake.

Jungkook was cleaning the tables, Jimin was preparing the small snack we had for them. I finish putting down the chairs that were left before going to the "bedroom" it's technically where they sleep and we have all the beds.

I enter the room, I scan to see who was awake.
Most of them were still asleep but there were a few children who were awake, playing with their blankets. Some notice me, they smile and start to get up but I shake my head and put a finger on my lip. They still had a few minutes left before nap time was supposed to be over. They pout and flop back to their bed or they just sit criss-cross applesauce on their bed.

I look back at the clock, the one we had in the other room.

Mhm, 5 more minutes.

I look back at the kids, the awake ones are staring at me. I lift up a hand and mouth "five more minutes". They nod, I smile and walk out the room.

I don't close the door, we leave it open if something bad happens, for example, if one had a nightmare and they begin to cry or if they just need to use the bathroom and also because some get scared.

I walk back to the "cafeteria", Jungkook is sitting down on a chair close to the chairs and tables. I can tell he's playing on a game by the way he's holding his phone.

I roll my eyes and head to Jimin. He's poring some milk into small cups.

"Are you about to be done?" I ask, he nods. He carefully tries to not spill the milk.

"Just need 3 more and I'm done." I hum.

I look back at the clock. Just 4 more minutes.


"I'm going to wake them up" Jimin turns to me then at the clock. He lifts an eyebrow.

"But we have four more minutes," I whine in response.

"I know but it's boring doing nothing and just waiting until nap time is over." He sighs but nods.

I smile and excitingly walk back to the room. I turn on the lights. The kids who were
Awake smile and start to get up. They walk toward me and give me a hug before they run to the other room to eat.

I look back at the children still in the room. Some are just starting to wake up, rubbing their eyes and yawning. I walk to the closest child who is starting to wake up. I crouch down and gently start to make circles around his back.

He blinks a little before staring at me.
I smile at him.

"It's time to wake up." I softly say, he nods and tries to get up, I help him a bit. When he's standing he gives me a lazy hug and a smile before running off.

I go to a child and then the next n just one is left to wake up.

It's one of the new kids.


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