Chapter 40

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Cynthia walked out of the bedroom and stood next to Linda and looked at John and Paul. "So, we're back to this again?"

"I guess so."

John kept inching closer to Paul while Paul kept his guard up. "Ye know, I would mess ye up but, its too early in the morning. Well, for me it is." John stopped walking toward Paul and sat down at the table.

"Scared I'll win?"

"Nope. For me, its too early."

"John, its hitting 10am. How can that be too early?"

"Well, it could have something to do with the fact that I woke up about 10 minutes ago and I'm not fully awake yet."

"How about later on today?"

"Ye just reminded me of something."


"Do ye remember what me and George talked about two years ago?"

"Uh, ye need to be more specific."

"He still owes me two wrestling matches."

"Ye seriously haven't done that yet? After two years?"

"Nope. Apparently, we both forgot. Well, later on when I see him, I'll be sure to get those matches."

"Not to mention, the one ye owe me for today."

John nodded and reached over and grabbed a pack of cigarettes, which was dang near empty, and pulled one out and offered one to Paul, who gladly took one. There was one left and John took it and put it behind his left ear.

"Looks like we need to make a ciggie run pretty soon."

"What, yer out too?"

"Yeh. I just kept stealing yers."

"Why? Why didn't ye just get some more when ye went to get new glasses?"

"Because I had yer pack with me."

"John, ye really need to stop stealing everyone else's cigarettes."

"No. What's the fun in that?"

"Okay, how about this, since ye steal everyone else's, why don't ye go down to the corner store and get a carton."

"Once I finish this one."

"Just don't forget."

"I'll try not to mum."

Julian came running in again and ran into Paul. "Ey little man. How can ye have all that energy? Ye didn't have any sugar did ye?"

"No." Julian said, giggling.

"Okay, what's going on?"

"I don't know."

"Ye don't know?" Paul asked, kneeling down so he was eye-to-eye with him. "How about we get ye something to eat."

Julian nodded quickly and smiled, which made Paul smile. "Alright." Paul stood up and picked Julian up and set him at the table next to John.

John took a drag of his cigarette and turned to face Julian. "Yer not planning to jump on me are ye?"

Julian giggled again. "That's a no right?" John asked.

Once again, Julian giggled. "Please tell me that's a no."


"Yes its a no, or yes yer gonna jump on me?"


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