Chapter 21

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WORDS: 1597

George pulled out a pack of cigarettes and John snatched it from him and took one.

"What about the bet Johnny?"

"Me and Paulie decided to postpone it until after. We were on the run when we decided it, in case yer wondering."

They spent another couple hours walking in the middle of no where. John handed Julian over to Ringo.

"We need to find food from him. He can't survive too long without eating."

It was getting dark out and the four of them decided to stay the night outside, once again. George was sleeping with Julian laying on top of him. Ringo was next to Paul and John was awake.

He started to get overwhelmed, which is something he normally doesn't do. The stress was really starting to get to him. Then, he felt an asthma attack coming on.

"Great." Was all he said. Since he didn't have his inhaler with him, he tried to concentrate on his breathing. John leaned his head back as he had his eyes shut. He was trying to ride through it, but it was difficult.

"John?" He heard a soft voice.

"What?" He managed to say.

"Ye alright?"


Paul moved over to John and sat next to him. "Ye sure?"

"Yeh. Just trying to ride this out." He said in between breaths.

After another few minutes, it finally subsided. His breathing was still heavy but no as bad and he slowed it down, back to normal.

"John, ye need to stop stressing."

"Easier said than done." He said sounding tired.

"I know that. Well, when we're out here running for our lives its hard. But, ye can't keep putting yerself under stress."

"I hear ye."

"Get some sleep John. I'll stay up."

"Thanks bud." John said as he immediately fell asleep.

The rest of the night was quiet. Paul had fallen asleep somewhere in the middle of his watch.

Daylight struck and they didn't wake up for another couple hours. The first one to actually wake was Julian. He had accidentally applied pressure to George's throat and George woke up, startled that someone might have been trying to kill him in his sleep. Once he realized it was just Julian, he relaxed.

"Please don't do that to me again Jules." He said kissing the top of his head.

To the side, he heard Ringo snoring. He was using his arms as a pillow. Right in front of him, John and Paul were laying almost next to each other. John had his hands on his abdomen as he slept and Paul was in the same position as Ringo, using his arms as a pillow.

George noticed that John's breathing was a little off, and he wasn't sure why. Slowly, one at a time woke up. Paul was the last one awake. Only because John kicked him in the shoulder and told him that it was time to go.

Paul looked over at John. "Ey. Doing okay?"

"Yeh. No need to worry." John said helping Paul up.

"Ye look better than ye did last night."

"Yeh well, thanks to me forgetting me inhaler, I have to deal with this."

"Well, hopefully ye won't have another one any time soon."

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