He is not 'him'

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"We got new stuff" Donghyuk beams while entering the house with a box in his hands.

"We got problem" Jisung said in a concern voice that made the younger worry.

"What problem?" He asks after putting the box down as he wants to focus on the older's words.

"She did it again Donghyuk. She did it again" That made his eyes goes wide when he knows exactly what the older meant.

"Where is she?" He asks and the older just points upstairs which he quickly made his way to the second floor.

"Haeyoung-ah!" The door burst open before he sees two figures sitting on the bed.

They both look at him before she breaks the silence "Hey, you're home! So this is Jungkook and he will be staying here for the time being and--"

"We need to talk" He cuts her off before narrowing his eyes to Jungkook. He pulls her by her arms before walking out the room.

"Wait here" She mouthed those words to him before closing the door and leave him there in the room.

"Wait here" She mouthed those words to him before closing the door and leave him there in the room

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"Seriously Haeyoung? Why are you doing this?" Her uncle slams his palm onto the table which made her jump to the sound

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"Seriously Haeyoung? Why are you doing this?" Her uncle slams his palm onto the table which made her jump to the sound.

Both men had their eyes glued on her while they ask her series of question "I just wanna help him and he had nowhere to go. You know that it's hard to find a good human being in this world anymore? A person that would help you?"

"Cut the crap Haeyoung. You can be nice by doing other things, but this? Why??" This time, Donghyuk were the one who question her with frustration plastered on his face.

"Uhm you were the one who told me to 'follow what my heart says' I did follow it, so I'm not wrong!" She make a quotation mark for that phrase.

"You told her what?!" Jisung grabs him by his collar as his anger is now targeted on him.

"Wait! I did told her that, but I didn't know that she would do THIS!" He looks at her before looking back at the older while he tries to calm his anger down.

"You're encouraging her so it's just the same" The older retorts while tightening his grip on Donghyuk's collar. "I just gave her an advice! That's all!"

"Stop!" Her screams stops them from arguing further and they both turn their focus on her. "I know you guys are worried about me and I know what you wanted to say.." She pauses as she recalls something from her memory.

"If anything happens, I'll take full responsibility. Just let him stay here, please" She begs while she looks at both of them. They didn't say anything while they just stare at her, not uttering anything.

She stands up from her seat before walking towards her room. "Haeyoung-ah" She stops in her tracks before looking at Donghyuk pass her shoulder.

"You do know that he is not him right?" His voice sounds hesitant as he knows what his words would make her feel.

"Hey don't..." Jisung tries to stop him, but "He is not him Haeyoung. You can't keep holding on the past and bringing him here will make it hard for you" He pauses when he could see her eyes starts darken. "You will hurt yourself"

She storms into her room before slamming the door shut. It made him feel bad for saying those words, but he had too. He doesn't want her to be hurt again.

"Why you gotta bring that up" Jisung said before making his way outside as he wants to release the tension that he just got

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"Why you gotta bring that up" Jisung said before making his way outside as he wants to release the tension that he just got.

Donghyuk just sits there at the table while he tries to brush off the guilt that he is feeling inside his chest. He didn't mean to hurt her, but he doesn't want her to hurt further. He just wants to protect her.

Who is he? What do they meant? Jungkook thought to himself while he sits at the top of the stairs. He couldn't stay in the room because he felt guilty that she has to face her uncle's wrath all alone. After eavesdropping, he couldn't help but to feel curious about her past. What had happened that it made them become so concern upon her actions?

It's been a while since she last cried as she is so hurt when Donghyuk had decided to bring that up. She knows that he would bring it up ever since they started interrogating her, but she didn't expect to still be hurt by it.

It hurts when she recalls the memory of what had happened a few years back as it is still fresh in the back of her mind. How she lost him. Her first love that had left a huge scar in her life because he meant a lot to her.

"I miss you" She chokes on her tears while hugging the picture frame tightly in her chest. Oh how she wish that she could turn back time. The time when he is still around. The time when they are together.

"I miss you Mingyu"

"I miss you Mingyu"

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