Dream Life : Her

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The scent of coffee fills the cozy place and a warm feeling starts to seep in everyone's chest. A smile appears on her face after sipping her hot cappuccino before she continues to write in her notebook.

 A smile appears on her face after sipping her hot cappuccino before she continues to write in her notebook

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"Haeyoung-ah" She turns her head to look at the male who is calling her.

"Yes?" She asks as soon as her focus lands on her uncle.

"Can you watch the shop for a moment? I gotta go fetch Minnie" Jisung asks while untying his apron and step out from behind the counter.

A smile appears on her face when she heard the name before nodding to her uncle's request. She loves it how her uncle had found his source of happiness and became a better person. It's just something that she had always dreamed of ever since she lives with her uncle, a dream to live a normal life.

"Don't forget to stop by for food. You know how she loves that place down the street" She reminds him before taking his place behind the counter.

He nods before walking towards the entrance and stop to look at her and utter "Thank you Haeyoung" She smile to him before watching his figure exits the place and towards his car.

"Alright, time to get to work" She claps her hands before starting to take the orders.

"Alright, time to get to work" She claps her hands before starting to take the orders

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"Welcome to Jo's Cafe, how can I h--Minnie!!" She beam while stepping out from behind the counter.

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